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Zn-substitution effects on the optical conductivity in YBa2Cu3O7δ crystals: Strong pair breaking and reduction of in-plane anisotropy

N. L. Wang, S. Tajima, A. I. Rykov, and K. Tomimoto
Phys. Rev. B 57, R11081(R) – Published 1 May 1998
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Zn substitution effects on the a-, b-, and c-axis optical conductivity spectra have been investigated for optimally annealed YBa2Cu3O7δ crystals. It was revealed that a very small amount of Zn seriously affects the low-energy charge dynamics in both normal and superconducting states. In addition to the increase of scattering rates, Zn substitution introduces additional features in the conductivity spectra and reduces the in-plane anisotropy by suppressing the plasma frequency in the b direction in the normal state. In the superconducting state, a very strong anisotropic pair-breaking effect was found.

  • Received 24 November 1997


©1998 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

N. L. Wang, S. Tajima, A. I. Rykov, and K. Tomimoto

  • Superconductivity Research Laboratory, ISTEC, Shinonome 1-10-13, Koto-ku, Tokyo, 135 Japan

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Vol. 57, Iss. 18 — 1 May 1998

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