Nonadiabatic transition at a level crossing with dissipation

Yosuke Kayanuma and Hiroyuki Nakayama
Phys. Rev. B 57, 13099 – Published 15 May 1998
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A comprehensive investigation of the transition dynamics of a level-crossing system with quantum dissipation is carried out for the Landau-Zener model coupled with a system of phonons. Analytical study by the formal perturbation expansion series with respect to the off-diagonal matrix element shows that the transition dynamics is characterized by the competition between the energy fluctuation and the energy dissipation. Closed expressions of the transition rate are derived for various limiting situations in a unified way. In the case of strong decoherence, a formula of the transition rate is obtained, which covers the high-temperature limit and the low-temperature, strong-coupling limit. Numerical calculation by utilizing the damping hyperoperator technique is performed, which clarifies the overall features of the time evolution of the system.

  • Received 12 December 1997


©1998 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

Yosuke Kayanuma

  • Department of Mathematical Sciences, College of Engineering, Osaka Prefecture University, Sakai 599, Japan

Hiroyuki Nakayama

  • Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University, 8-1 Mihogaoka, Ibaraki, Osaka 567, Japan

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Vol. 57, Iss. 20 — 15 May 1998

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