Phonon-scattering-limited electron mobilities in AlxGa1xAs/GaAs heterojunctions

T. Kawamura and S. Das Sarma
Phys. Rev. B 45, 3612 – Published 15 February 1992
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We study the bulk-phonon-scattering contribution to the transport properties of a two-dimensional electron gas formed at the interface of an ultrapure AlxGa1xAs/GaAs heterojunction. Assuming that the electrons only occupy the lowest subband, we calculate the mobility as a function of temperature for the temperature range T=1–300 K, within the variational-subband-wave-function model for carrier confinement. Our work encompasses three physically distinct temperature ranges with respect to phonon scattering: the Block-Grüneisen (BG), equipartition (EP), and inelastic regimes. In the EP regime we calculate (i) the individual and total scattering rates τs1, and momentum relaxation rates τt1, due to deformation-potential and piezoelectric coupled acoustic-mode phonons, with screening of these rates taken into account within the static random-phase approximation; (ii) the acoustic-phonon-scattering limited drift mobilities μac for different densities ns as a function of temperature T; (iii) the level of validity of Matthiessen’s rule; and (iv) the dimensionless Hall ratio rH. In addition, we investigate in detail the temperature dependence of the low-temperature mobility and find excellent agreement with experimental data for the linear coefficient α=dμ1(T)/dT of the temperature dependence as a function of density.

We carry out similar calculations in the BG regime and compare the results with the corresponding ones in the EP regime. Finally, to evaluate the mobility in the inelastic regime at high temperatures above T≊40 K, where the scattering from polar LO phonons becomes important, we compute the first-order perturbation distribution φ(E) as a function of the carrier energy E by directly solving the linearized Boltzmann equation by an iterative method. We compare these results with the commonly used closed-form approximations for φ: the low-temperature relaxation-time approximation τLT, and the high-energy relaxation-time approximation τHE, and check their level of validity.

  • Received 10 June 1991


©1992 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

T. Kawamura and S. Das Sarma

  • Joint Program for Advanced Electronic Materials, Department of Physics, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 20742-4111

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Vol. 45, Iss. 7 — 15 February 1992

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