Resonant Raman scattering in the II-IV semiconductors Mg2Si, Mg2Ge, and Mg2Sn

Seinosuke Onari and Manuel Cardona
Phys. Rev. B 14, 3520 – Published 15 October 1976
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First- and second-order resonant Raman scattering from Mg2Si,Mg2Ge, and Mg2Sn were measured with laser frequencies covering the E0 and E1 gaps for Mg2Si, the E1 gap for Mg2Ge, and the E1 and X gaps for Mg2Sn. Each component of the Raman tensor is separated using polarized light. The resonance of the Raman allowed F2g phonon for these three materials near the E1 and E1+Δ1 gaps is well described by three band terms in the dielectric theory of the Raman tensor. The resonance of the F2g phonon near the E0 gap of Mg2Si was observed as a shoulder of the strongly resonating E1 gap. The observed resonance intensity is about one-half the value expected from |dεdω|2 when this function is fitted to the maximum of the E1 resonance. A pseudopotential calculation is presented, showing that the corresponding deformation potential (7.5 eV) is small. The resonance in the X-gap region for Mg2Sn is found to be analogous to that of the E1 gap. The F2g allowed phonon resonates broadly and weakly; however, Fröhlich-interaction-induced F1u(LO) and its overtone resonate sharply and show structure due to the spin-orbit splitting of the X5 valence band. The spin-orbit splittings observed in the resonances at E1 gaps are 0.14 eV for Mg2Ge and 0.27 eV for Mg2Sn; at the X gap the splitting for Mg2Sn is 0.14 eV. The deformation potentials involved in the several resonances observed are discussed and an attempt to determine their relative values is made. The forbidden F1u(LO) and its overtone resonate very sharply at the E1, E1+Δ1, and X gaps: These resonances are well described by the second derivative of the dielectric constants |d2εdω2|2 and are strongly polarized in parallel-parallel scattering configurations. Sharp structure due to F2g+F1u(LO) combination of phonons is also observed; it resonates in a way analogous to the forbidden F1u(LO) phonon. These characteristic features suggest that the normally forbidden F1u(LO) and its overtone for the materials investigated are induced by the intraband Fröhlich interaction. The F2g+F1u(LO) combination is due to combined Fröhlich-deformation-potential interaction.

  • Received 1 April 1976


©1976 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

Seinosuke Onari* and Manuel Cardona

  • Max-Planck-Institut für Festkörperforschung, Stuttgart, Federal Republic of Germany

  • *On leave from the Institute for Optical Research Kyoiku University, Sinzyuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan.

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Vol. 14, Iss. 8 — 15 October 1976

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