Two-photon decay of hydrogenic atoms

J. H. Tung, X. M. Salamo, and F. T. Chan
Phys. Rev. A 30, 1175 – Published 1 September 1984
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The two-photon decay mode of hydrogenic atoms from an arbitrary state (n1, l1, m1) to an arbitrary state (n2, l2, m2) is studied within the framework of nonrelativistic quantum mechanics. In the dipole approximation, these decay rates, which involve infinite summation over intermediate states, are derived exactly via a general second-order matrix element obtained by Kelsey and Macek and an implicit technique introduced by Dalgarno and Lewis. The results are expressed in terms of hypergeometric functions. For transitions n1sn2s, our results reduce to those of Klarsfeld whose starting point is the Coulomb Green's function. For transitions to the ground state, an alternative expression involving a simple one-dimensional integral is presented. The decay rate of the 2s metastable state of atomic hydrogen is calculated as an illustration of the method. The result, 1τ=8.2284 sec1, agrees with Klarsfeld. For transitions of n1s1s and n1d1s (n13), the transition rates exhibit interesting and unexpected structures. In particular, "zeros" are found in the two-photon emission spectrum indicating that two-photon emission is not possible at certain frequencies. Physically, these "zeros" are the result of destructive interference between the radiating dipole terms associated with the sum over intermediate states. In addition to the emission spectrum the expected coincidence signal between two detectors monitoring the two photons simultaneously emitted during a two-photon transition is calculated as a function of the angle between the detectors. The angular distribution for the n1d1s transitions is shown to be significantly different from the n1s1s transitions. Finally, a possible experiment is suggested to test the results presented in this paper.

  • Received 9 December 1982


©1984 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

J. H. Tung, X. M. Salamo, and F. T. Chan

  • Physics Department, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701

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Vol. 30, Iss. 3 — September 1984

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