Magnetic Octupole Moments of Axially Symmetric Deformed Nuclei

S. A. Williams
Phys. Rev. 125, 340 – Published 1 January 1962
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The magnetic octupole moments of twenty odd-A nuclei whose energy levels are reasonably well described by the axially-symmetric collective model in strong coupling have been calculated. With but two exceptions, the predicted moments are of the same magnitude as or larger than the moments measured for seven nuclei. The model parameters have been determined by fitting the measured values of the lower moments and transition probabilities. The assumption has been made that the orbital gyromagnetic ratio for the odd nucleon is that of a free particle. Then from the total gyromagnetic ratio of the particle, which was determined from the measured magnetic dipole moment and M1 transition probabilities, the spin gyromagnetic ratio, gs, was determined. With but one exception gs was found to have a value between the free particle and pure Dirac particle values.

  • Received 6 June 1961


©1962 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

S. A. Williams

  • Physics Department, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York

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Vol. 125, Iss. 1 — January 1962

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