Pressure Shifts in the Hyperfine Structure Constant of Potassium

Arnold L. Bloom and John B. Carr
Phys. Rev. 119, 1946 – Published 15 September 1960
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Optical pumping and detection methods were used to determine the resonant frequency of the K39 m=0m=0 hyperfine line in various environments. Frequency shifts were observed in noble gases and in hydrogen; no shift was observed from a paraffin wall coating. The shifts, expressed as fractional changes in the hyperfine frequency, are similar to those in rubidium though generally somewhat smaller. The hyperfine constant itself was determined for both K39 and K41.

  • Received 13 May 1960


©1960 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

Arnold L. Bloom

  • Varian Associates, Palo Alto, California

John B. Carr

  • U. S. Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California

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Vol. 119, Iss. 6 — September 1960

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