Power laws of complex systems from extreme physical information

B. Roy Frieden and Robert A. Gatenby
Phys. Rev. E 72, 036101 – Published 1 September 2005


Many complex systems obey allometric, or power, laws y=Yxa. Here y0 is the measured value of some system attribute a, Y0 is a constant, and x is a stochastic variable. Remarkably, for many living systems the exponent a is limited to values n4, n=0,±1,±2,. Here x is the mass of a randomly selected creature in the population. These quarter-power laws hold for many attributes, such as pulse rate (n=1). Allometry has, in the past, been theoretically justified on a case-by-case basis. An ultimate goal is to find a common cause for allometry of all types and for both living and nonliving systems. The principle IJ=extremum of extreme physical information is found to provide such a cause. It describes the flow of Fisher information JI from an attribute value a on the cell level to its exterior observation y. Data y are formed via a system channel function yf(x,a), with f(x,a) to be found. Extremizing the difference IJ through variation of f(x,a) results in a general allometric law f(x,a)y=Yxa. Darwinian evolution is presumed to cause a second extremization of IJ, now with respect to the choice of a. The solution is a=n4, n=0,±1,±2, defining the particular powers of biological allometry. Under special circumstances, the model predicts that such biological systems are controlled by only two distinct intracellular information sources. These sources are conjectured to be cellular DNA and cellular transmembrane ion gradients

  • Received 4 February 2005


©2005 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

B. Roy Frieden

  • College of Optical Sciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721, USA

Robert A. Gatenby

  • Radiology Department, Arizona Health Sciences Center, Tucson, Arizona 85726, USA

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Vol. 72, Iss. 3 — September 2005

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