Transposons contribute to the functional diversification of the head, gut, and ovary transcriptomes across Drosophila natural strains

  1. Josefa González
  1. Institute of Evolutionary Biology, CSIC, UPF, Barcelona 08003, Spain
  • Corresponding author: josefa.gonzalez{at}
  • Abstract

    Transcriptomes are dynamic, with cells, tissues, and body parts expressing particular sets of transcripts. Transposable elements (TEs) are a known source of transcriptome diversity; however, studies often focus on a particular type of chimeric transcript, analyze single body parts or cell types, or are based on incomplete TE annotations from a single reference genome. In this work, we have implemented a method based on de novo transcriptome assembly that minimizes the potential sources of errors while identifying a comprehensive set of gene–TE chimeras. We applied this method to the head, gut, and ovary dissected from five Drosophila melanogaster natural strains, with individual reference genomes available. We found that ∼19% of body part–specific transcripts are gene–TE chimeras. Overall, chimeric transcripts contribute a mean of 43% to the total gene expression, and they provide protein domains for DNA binding, catalytic activity, and DNA polymerase activity. Our comprehensive data set is a rich resource for follow-up analysis. Moreover, because TEs are present in virtually all species sequenced to date, their role in spatially restricted transcript expression is likely not exclusive to the species analyzed in this work.


    • Received December 2, 2022.
    • Accepted August 8, 2023.

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