The measurement of the trigonal splitting of Fe2+ in Al2O3 by a frequency crossing technique using thermal phonons


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, , Citation B R Anderson and L J Challis 1973 J. Phys. C: Solid State Phys. 6 L266 DOI 10.1088/0022-3719/6/13/005



The thermal magnetoresistance of iron-doped Al2O3 shows sharp minima when the frequency of the Delta MJ'=2 transition of Fe2+ crosses the frequencies of the two Delta MJ'=1 transitions. From the positions of these minima, a value for the trigonal splitting of the ground state of D=3.75+or-0.05 cm-1 is obtained. Measurements made at 1.15K, when only the population of the lower levels is significant, show that D is positive; that is, the singlet is lowest in zero field.

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