


Published 2011 August 29 © 2011. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.
, , Citation S. Kisaka and Y. Kojima 2011 ApJ 739 14 DOI 10.1088/0004-637X/739/1/14



Using the outer gap model, we investigate the emission region for the multi-wavelength light curve from energetic pulsars. We assume that γ-ray and non-thermal X-ray photons are emitted from a particle acceleration region in the outer magnetosphere, and UV/optical photons originate above that region. We assume that γ-rays are radiated only by outwardly moving particles, whereas the other photons are produced by particles moving inward and outward. We parameterize the altitude of the emission region as the deviation from the rotating dipole in a vacuum and determine it from the observed multi-wavelength pulse profile using the observationally constrained magnetic dipole inclination angle and viewing angle of the pulsars. We find that the outer gap model can explain the multi-wavelength pulse behavior by a simple distribution of emissivity, and discuss the possibility of further improvement. From observational fitting, we also find a general tendency for the altitude of the γ-ray emission region to depend on the inclination angle. In particular, the emission region for low inclination angle is required to be located at very low altitude, which corresponds to the inner region within the last-open field line of the rotating dipole in a vacuum. This model suggests a modification of the statistics for observed γ-ray pulsars: the number of sources with low inclination and viewing angles increases compared with previous estimates.

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Pulsars emit over a wide range of energies from radio to γ-ray. Recent observations by the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope of more than 60 pulsars (Abdo et al. 2010a; Saz Parkinson et al. 2010) have revealed further details of the structure of the emission region. The detection of the emissions in the GeV energy range from a pulsar magnetosphere means that electrons and positrons are accelerated to more than ∼1012 eV by the electric field parallel to the magnetic field, which arises in a depleted region of the Goldreich–Julian charge density (Goldreich & Julian 1969). The light curve in the γ-ray band is an important tool for probing particle acceleration and dissipation processes in the pulsar magnetosphere, since the maximum energy is determined by the acceleration–radiation–reaction limit for typical energetic pulsars. The γ-ray emission region has therefore been explored by comparing theoretical models with the observed light curve (e.g., Watters et al. 2009; Venter et al. 2009; Romani & Watters 2010). The pulsed emission is also detected in other energy bands (X-ray, ultraviolet, optical, and radio) for some sources (e.g., Thompson 2004). The spectral features are non-thermal except for the soft X-ray range, and the light curves from a single object are, in general, different from one energy band to another. For example, profiles of the light curve in one spin period are different in the γ-ray and X-ray ranges in the Vela pulsar (Abdo et al. 2009d). The peak phase of different energy ranges are expected to coincide, since the emitting particles are related to a pair cascade process. However, observation shows that the phase depends on the energy bands. This means that their emission regions are not the same region. A complete understanding of light curve behavior in multi-wavelength bands can provide valuable information about the particle acceleration region. Note that we do not discuss soft X-rays, which are believed to be thermal radiation from the neutron star surface (e.g., Jackson et al. 2002).

Possible origins of non-thermal pulsed emissions have been considered in the polar cap (Daugherty & Harding 1996), slot gap (Muslimov & Harding 2004), and outer gap (Cheng et al. 1986) models. Recent Fermi observations with high γ-ray photon number statistics have showed that the phase-averaged spectrum above 200 MeV is well fitted by a power law plus exponential cutoff, and that a cutoff shape sharper than a simple exponential is rejected with high significance (e.g., Abdo et al. 2009d). This rules out the near-surface emission proposed in polar cap cascade models (Daugherty & Harding 1996), which would exhibit a much sharp spectral cutoff due to magnetic pair-production attenuation. Thus, pulsed γ-ray emission originates in the outer magnetosphere, as considered in the outer gap model.

Takata et al. (2008, hereafter TCS08) considered a three-dimensional geometrical emission model to fit the observed light curves at different energy bands. The model is extended with some model parameters from the calculated gap structure in a two-dimensional meridian plane. By comparing the light curves of the Vela pulsar, they found that the X-ray emission is produced by both inward and outward emissions from the gap region, and that UV/optical emission originates from secondary pairs at a higher altitude. The number of light curves of pulsars observed at γ-ray and other energy bands is increasing thanks to Fermi, so it is worthwhile to investigate whether the outer gap model is applicable to other sources.

In this paper, we investigate the emission regions of several pulsars by fitting the simplified model of TCS08 to the observed multi-wavelength light curves. In this model, we have to specify the locations of the upper and lower boundaries of the gap region where the non-corotation potential is zero. Therefore, we explicitly introduce the altitude of the gap region as a parameter, in order to fit the observational data easily. The light curves also depend on the dipole inclination and viewing angles. In our method, such parameters are eliminated by other observational data, and only the altitude is changed for the fitting. In most studies, the lower boundary of the emission region is chosen as the surface of the last-open field lines of the rotating dipole (e.g., Takata et al. 2008; Romani & Watters 2010) In this paper, however, the altitude is allowed to be in a wide range in order to explore the possible deviation of the magnetic field line structure from that of a rotating dipole in a vacuum. In Section 2, we describe the model assumptions and parameters. In Section 3, we compare the peaks of light curves with those observed at multiple wavelengths and determine the altitude parameter. Our discussion is presented in Section 4 and, lastly, a summary is given in Section 5.


The numerical method for fitting the light curve is well described by Romani & Watters (2010) and Bai & Spitkovsky (2010a); we briefly summarize it in this section to explain one modification. Our model is almost the same as that used by TCS08. However, we explicitly introduce the altitude of the emission region as an additional parameter.

We assume that the magnetic field structure is approximately described by a rotating dipole with magnetic moment μ. The angular velocity is Ω, and the magnetic axis is declined by an angle α from the axis of rotation (the z-axis). The magnetic moment changes with time t as

Equation (1)

The magnetic field produced by the rotating dipole (e.g., Jackson 1975) can be expressed using the retarded time tr = tr/c as

Equation (2)

where r is the radial distance from the center of the star and a dot denotes a derivative with respect to t.

We assume that the radiation direction aligns with the magnetic field in a frame rotating with angular velocity Ω in which the electric field vanishes. Physically, this means that the magnetosphere is filled with a corotation enforcing charge. The condition holds only within the light cylinder. The direction of particles in the laboratory frame is given by

Equation (3)


Equation (4)

and $\hat{\bf B}$ is the unit vector along the magnetic field in the laboratory frame. The particle velocity is highly relativistic, so we have made the approximation $|\boldsymbol{\beta }_0|\rightarrow 1$ in Equation (4). Thus the direction of radiation emitted tangential to the particle velocity vector is given by $\boldsymbol{\beta }_0$ in Equation (3). This direction is related to the periodic pulse phase. The observed phase ϕ is the sum of the azimuthal angle ϕem at the emission point and the relativistic time delay (Romani & Yadigaroglu 1995):

Equation (5)

where rem is the emission point and RLC the light cylinder radius.

A certain mechanism is needed to fix the lower boundary of the particle acceleration region. In most works, including TCS08, the lower boundary is chosen as the surface of the last-open field lines of a rotating dipole in a vacuum. The field lines are calculated by Equation (2) from the neutron star surface, and the last-open ones are defined as being just tangential to the light cylinder and they form a magnetic surface from the polar cap. We follow the numerical procedure described in detail by Cheng et al. (2000). In the outer gap model, if particle acceleration occurs in an open zone, the curvature radiation from the accelerated particles forms a narrow cone along the magnetic field lines in a frame rotating with angular velocity Ω. These γ-ray photons are converted by colliding X-ray photons into e± pairs, which tend to screen the accelerating electric field. However, there is no supply of pairs on the last-open field lines and hence no screening of the electric field, since the γ-ray photons are emitted only toward higher altitudes above the last-open field lines (Cheng et al. 1986). The "real" last-open field lines may be different from those in a vacuum (Romani 1996; Kojima & Oogi 2009). We therefore take this possible deviation of the boundary into account. We assume that the dipole magnetic field is an approximation within the light cylinder and use Equation (2) as the global magnetic field structure. Even if the overall structure is not very different, the critical value between open and closed field lines is very sensitive to the boundary value at the surface. The "real" last-open field lines do not, in general, agree with those in a vacuum. Thus we introduce a parameter, the altitude of the emission region, as a correction factor in order to take into account the deviation of the boundary from the vacuum field. In our model this parameter specifies the range of the emission region which is located above or below the last-open field lines within the light cylinder radius. Each different field line originating from the magnetic polar region is parameterized by magnetic colatitudes θm and azimuthal angles ϕm. Following Cheng et al. (2000), we define open volume coordinates on the polar cap, (rov, ϕm), where rov ≡ θmpc, 0mm). The function θpc, 0m is the magnetic colatitude of the conventional polar cap angle and generally depends on the magnetic azimuth ϕm. The parameter rov corresponds to the altitude of the emission region: the last-open field lines of a rotating dipole in a vacuum correspond to rov = 1, whereas those for higher altitudes have rov < 1. Following Takata & Chang (2009), the maximum value is chosen as rov = 1.361/2, which corresponds to the polar cap angle θpcm ∼ 1.361/2θpc, 0m, obtained in the force-free limit by Contopoulos et al. (1999). We found that no significant caustics are formed in the sky map, even if the maximum value of rov is increased.

We assume that the radiation of different energy bands is emitted from different field lines characterized by altitude. The field line relevant to the γ- and X-rays is approximated as being the same one. The direction of the emission is tangential to the lines, and inward and outward directions are possible. Both location and direction affect the light curve profile of the energy bands. Following the model of TCS08, the γ-ray radiation above 100 MeV is emitted by particles moving in an outward direction, whereas radiation at lower energy bands is emitted by those moving in both outward and inward directions. We use two conditions to constrain the emission region. The first is the radial extension of the emission region. The outward emission is restricted to radial distances rn < RLC, and the inward one to rs < r < min (3rn, RLC). The outer boundary 3rn for inward emission comes from the results of the dynamic model (TCS08), in which very few ingoing pairs are produced beyond the radial distance r > 3rn. The second condition is the azimuthal extension of the emission region. We use the magnetic azimuthal angle of the footprint of the field line (i.e., the point where the magnetic field line penetrates the neutron star surface) to characterize the field line for given rov. The radial distance to the null charge surface on the field lines depends significantly on the magnetic azimuthal angle. In the outer gap model, most of the pairs are created around the null surface (TCS08). We expect that the gap activity is related to the distance to the null surface. Although the current density should be determined by global conditions, there is no study of the three-dimensional magnetosphere of an inclined rotator. In this paper, we assume that the field lines of both outward and inward emission are active only if the radial distance to the null surface rn is shorter than RLC. The azimuthal constraint is automatically satisfied for outward emission because the radial extension gives rn < RLC. However, for inward emission the condition becomes strong. The radial extension rs < r < min (3rn, RLC) allows for regions r < RLC on the field lines with rn > RLC. They are not active, so that the corresponding regions should be excluded. The critical value 3rn was obtained by fitting to the Vela pulsar (TCS08). It is not straightforward to apply it to other sources. The mean free path λ(r) of the pair creation process between the γ-ray and thermal X-ray emissions from the stellar surface is estimated as λ(r) ∼ 5.6P13/21(Bs/1012G)−2/7r (Tang et al. 2008). The value at the null point λ(rn) is found to be in the range (2–3)rn for our samples. Our light curves, especially peak positions, are not changed even by adopting 2rn as the outer boundary for inward emission.

The spatial distribution of the emissivity is approximated by a step function, but the peak positions depend only weakly on the detailed emissivity distribution.

We assume that the overall structure of the light curve comes not from the emissivity distribution but from a bunch of many field lines in the observation, that is, caustics. The appearance of caustics depends strongly on the observational viewing angle ξ and the intensity distribution. In this paper, we focus on the peak phases of the light curve, so we adopt a simple, uniform emissivity along all magnetic field lines which is independent of both the magnetic azimuthal angle ϕm and the altitude rov. The fitting does not completely reproduce the observations so, in Section 4, a simple improvement to the emissivity distribution is considered which leads to a much better fit.

We now explain our fitting method. For fixed inclination angle α and viewing angle ξ, the light curve as a function of phase ϕ depends only on the altitude rov. The intensity is calculated in the range rov < 1.361/2 with a bin width of 0.02. There are no significant caustics for large rov.

In the observed light curve, the reference phase ϕ = 0 is assumed to be located at the radio emission peak maximum in most studies (e.g., Abdo et al. 2010a). However, in the model light curve, the conventional reference phase ϕ = 0 occurs when the magnetic axis, spin axis, and Earth's line of sight all lie in the same plane. These two reference phases do not agree with each other since it is generally assumed in most empirical studies that radio emissions arise at non-zero altitude. Following Romani & Watters (2010), we allow a shift by −0.1 ⩽ δϕ ⩽ 0.1 in the model reference rotation phase. This degree of freedom does not significantly affect the determination of the altitude parameter rov, because we use the peak separation in the observed γ-ray and X-ray light curves which are emitted at the same rov. For the sources showing a double-peak pulse shape in the observed γ-ray light curve, we use the peak separation. For those showing a single peak, we use the phase separation between the γ-ray peak and one of the X-ray peaks. This is the benefit of considering γ-ray and X-ray light curves simultaneously. Subsequently, we look for the altitude of the UV/optical emission region using the γ-ray upper limit of rov.


In this section, we compare our model with pulse profiles observed at multiple wavelengths for seven pulsars. The sources are chosen using two criteria. One is that non-thermal pulses are detected in addition to the γ-ray and radio bands. Our concern is to explore whether or not the emission region for different energy bands is explained by the TCS08 model. The second criterion is that the geometrical parameters α and ξ are observationally constrained by the relativistic Doppler-boosted X-ray pulsar wind nebula (PWN; Ng & Romani 2008) or radio polarization data (e.g., Lyne & Manchester 1988). The torus fitting method constrains the viewing angle ξ only. A small allowed range of |α − ξ| ⩽ 10° is assumed for samples in which only ξ is constrained due to the fact that radio emission from the pulsar polar region is detected. The geometrical parameters for the pulsars are listed in Table 1. We use these values, although there are some uncertainties in them. The results are summarized in Figures 1 and 2. Figure 1 shows the intensity map for outward (upper panel) and inward (lower panel) emission as a function of the altitude of the emission region rov and rotational phase. The upper and lower panels in Figure 2 are the pulse profiles for outward and inward emission in γ-ray and X-ray emission regions.

Figure 1.

Figure 1. Intensity maps for seven pulsars. Upper left to right: PSRs J0835−4510 (A), J0659+1414 (B), and J0205+6449 (C). Lower left to right: PSRs J2229+6114 (D), J1420−6048 (E), J2021+3651 (F), and J1057−5226 (G). In each sample, the upper panel is outward emission and the lower is inward emission. The blue horizontal arrows show the best-fit values of rov for γ-ray and X-ray emission regions. The red vertical arrows show the phase of peaks. The red horizontal arrows in (E) and (G) show the phase range of broad peaks.

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Figure 2.

Figure 2. Calculated light curves for γ-ray and X-ray emission regions. Upper left to right: PSRs J0835−4510 (A), J0659+1414 (B), and J0205+6449 (C). Lower left to right: PSRs J2229+6114 (D), J1420−6048 (E), J2021+3651 (F), and J1057−5226 (G). In each sample, the upper panel is outward emission and the lower is inward emission. The vertical axis is in arbitrary units. The red and blue short-dashed vertical lines show the phase of γ-ray and X-ray peaks as in Figure 1. The peaks of PSRs J1420−6048 and J1057−5226 are so broad that the phase range is within two red vertical lines.

Standard image High-resolution image

Table 1. Pulsar Parameters

Name log (LSD) τc log (Bs) α ξ Reference rov(γ-, X-ray) rov(UV/optical) rn, lim λ(rn, lim)
  (erg s−1) (kyr) (G) (deg) (deg)       (RLC) (RLC)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)
J0835−4510 36.84 11 12.53 72 64 1,2 1.05–1.06 0.65–0.80 0.25 0.23
J0659+1414 34.58 110 12.67 29 38 3 1.13–1.14 0.90–1.04 0.30 0.60
J0205+6449 37.43 5 12.56 78 88 2 0.97–0.98 ... 1.00 0.71
J2229+6114 37.35 11 12.31 55 46 2 1.01–1.02 ... 0.40 0.29
J1420−6048 37.00 13 12.38 30 35 6,7 1.10–1.11 ... 0.50 0.42
J2021+3651 36.53 17 12.50 75 85 5 0.97–0.98 ... 0.40 0.40
J1057−5226 34.48 540 12.03 75 69 4 0.93–0.94 ... 0.10 0.20

Notes. Column 1: pulsar name. Columns 2–4: the spin-down luminosity, the characteristic age, and the strength of the surface magnetic field, which we adopt from Abdo et al. (2010a). Column 5: the inclination angle. Column 6: the viewing angle. Column 7: reference for Columns 5 and 6. Column 8: the emission altitude in the γ-ray band. Column 9: the emission altitude in the optical/UV band. Column 10: assumed limit of radial distance to null point. Column 11: mean free path for γ-ray photons at the limit of radial distance to the null point. References. (1) Johnston et al. 2006; (2) Ng & Romani 2008; (3) Everett & Weisberg 2001; (4) Weltevrede & Wright 2009; (5) Van Etten et al. 2008; (6) Weltevrede et al. 2010; (7) Weltevrede & Johnston 2008.

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3.1. Vela Pulsar (PSR J0835−4510)

We start with the Vela pulsar, which has been well studied to test the validity of our simple model. TCS08 considered this source, but they used geometric parameters that are slightly different from ours.

Pulse profiles have been detected in optical to γ-ray bands. The pulse profile in the γ-ray band observed by Fermi (Abdo et al. 2010b) shows a prominent double-peak structure and bridge emission between the two peaks. The first and second peaks are located at the phases ϕ ∼ 0.13 and ϕ ∼ 0.56, respectively, and the separation is Δϕ = 0.43. We show the intensity map for outward emission as a function of the altitude of the emission region and rotation phase in the upper panel of Figure 1(A). The emission altitude producing a peak separation Δϕ = 0.43 is rov ∼ 1.05–1.06.

The X-ray data from RXTE (Harding et al. 2002) also show a double-peak structure but the second peak broadens toward early phase. The calculated intensity map is shown for outward and inward emissions in the upper and lower panels of Figure 1(A). The main double peaks are located at the same phases as those in the γ-ray band, so they are interpreted as being formed by outward emission. The broad component before the second peak at ϕ ∼ 0.47 is associated with the caustic formed by the inward emission, as shown in the lower panel. We attempted a fit without the inward emission, but found that the inward emission is needed in order to reproduce the observed X-ray pulse profile. The necessity of inward emission was discussed in TCS08. Thus, the peak positions of γ-ray and X-ray pulses can be explained with the same value of rov ∼ 1.05–1.06. The contour map, however, shows a minor peak at ϕ ∼ 0.8 formed by the outward emission. The peak was not observed in the γ-ray band.

We compare our model with the UV data of Romani et al. (2005) and the optical data of Gouiffes (1998). The pulse profiles in both bands are very similar, that is, they have a double-peak structure at the same phases. The peak phases, however, differ from those of the γ-ray and X-ray bands. The first peak of the UV/optical bands shifts to a later phase ϕ ∼ 0.27 and the second peak shifts to an earlier phase ϕ ∼ 0.46, so that the peak separation becomes smaller. It can be seen from Figure 1(A) that such a double-peak structure corresponds to rov ∼ 0.65–0.80 for outward emission. The corresponding inward emission cannot be detected since its observable range is rov ⩾ 0.9, as shown in the lower panel. The choice of outward emission with rov ∼ 0.65–0.80 is also supported by the fact that the second peak at ϕ ∼ 0.46 in the UV/optical ranges is sharper than the first one at ϕ ∼ 0.27 because of their different dependence on rov. Thus, we have reproduced the pulse profiles of optical to γ-ray bands by the caustics model without any detailed assumptions about emissivity. From the fitting model, we found three conditions for the emission region. (1) The UV/optical emission region is located at an altitude above the γ-ray and X-ray emission region of rov ∼ 1.05–1.06. (2) There is a separation of altitude between the X-ray and optically dominant emission regions. (3) The UV/optical emission range, Δrov ∼ 0.15, is broader than that of γ-ray/X-ray emission regions, Δrov ∼ 0.02.

3.2. PSR J0659+1414

The pulsar PSR J0659+1414 has also been observed in the γ-ray to optical bands. We use the γ-ray data from Fermi (Weltevrede et al. 2010), X-ray data from XMM-Newton (De Luca et al. 2005), UV data from Shibanov et al. (2005), and optical data from Kern et al. (2003). The X-ray data are a combination of thermal (blackbody) and non-thermal (power-law) emissions and are consistent with a cooling middle-aged neutron star (e.g., Becker & Trümper 1997). At soft X-rays, the pulse fraction is low and the pulsations are sinusoidal, as is typical for thermal emissions from the surface of a neutron star with non-uniform temperature distribution. At higher energies (>1.5 keV), where the non-thermal component dominates, the pulsed fraction increases and the profile becomes single peaked. We therefore consider the pulse profiles of hard X-rays (>1.5 keV) only.

The pulse profile in the γ-ray band shows a relatively broad single peak, which lags the radio maximum peak by ϕ ∼0.2 in phase. The peak in the non-thermal X-ray pulse is at ϕ ∼ 0.7–0.8, which is different from the phase of the γ-ray peak. This phase difference cannot be ignored, although the peaks in the γ-ray and X-ray data are rather broad, and hence the difference may be diminished somewhat by including the phase error. We interpret these pulse profiles as being emissions at different phases and in different directions: the peak in the γ-ray band is formed by outward emission, whereas that in the X-ray band is formed by inward emission. The intensity maps are given in the upper panel (outward emission) and the lower panel (inward emission) of Figure 1(B), respectively. From this figure, we see that a peak separation Δϕ = 0.55 between the γ-ray and X-ray data corresponds to an emission altitude of rov ∼ 1.13–1.14 by shifting the reference phase by δϕ = 0.06 to an earlier phase. The emission altitude cannot be fixed without the X-ray data: a shift of peak phase is allowed, so rov is unknown. This ambiguity is removed by considering multi-wavelength light curves. From the intensity map, we expect another very sharp caustic at ϕ ∼ 0.65, but there is no counterpart in the γ-ray observations (top panel of Figure 4 in Weltevrede et al. 2010). We discuss this missing peak in Section 4.2. In the lower right panel of Figure 4 in Weltevrede et al. (2010), the light curve for inward emission is given. The X-ray data may be a combination of inward and outward emissions, but the X-ray profile observed by De Luca et al. (2005) is similar to that of inward emission only. This means phenomenologically that outward emission of X-rays is weak in this source.

The pulse profiles in the UV (Shibanov et al. 2005) and optical bands (Kern et al. 2003) are almost the same shape and have a clear double-peak structure unlike the single peak in the γ-ray and X-ray bands. The first peak at ϕ ∼ 0.02 is later than the γ-ray peak and the second peak at ϕ ∼ 0.10 is later phase than the X-ray peak. From the upper panel of Figure 1(B), we see that the observed first peak can be reproduced by outward emission at an altitude rov < 1.10. Here we have a weak condition because the peak position depends only weakly on rov. For the second peak, the inward emission forms caustics for 0.90 < rov < 1.04. Thus, the altitude of the emission region in the UV/optical bands is identified as rov ∼ 0.90–1.04, where the lower limit is set by a coarse bin of the phase in the observational data.

Kern et al. (2003) have already investigated the multi-wavelength light curve of this pulsar using a similar method to ours, but could not explain the profile using geometrical parameters which are consistent with radio polarization data (Everett & Weisberg 2001). The reason for this is that the lower boundary of the emission region was chosen as the last-open field lines in the vacuum dipole field, that is, rov  =  1.0. In our analysis, by allowing rov ⩾ 1.0, the phase of peaks can be successfully fitted by using observed geometrical parameters. This suggests that the actual lower boundary of the gap is slightly different from the last-open field lines in a vacuum dipole.

3.3. PSR J0205+6449

The γ-ray pulse profile observed by Fermi (Abdo et al. 2009a) shows a double-peak structure. The first peak is offset from the radio peak by ϕ ∼ 0.08, and the second is at ϕ ∼ 0.57. The separation is Δϕ = 0.49. The X-ray data from RXTE (Livingstone et al. 2009) are consistent with the results from XMM-Newton (Kuiper et al. 2010). The spectral shape can be fitted by a power law such that most of the emission is non-thermal and the thermal component is constrained by the upper limit (Kuiper et al. 2010). The observed X-ray pulse profile shows two peaks aligned in phase over a wide energy range of ∼0.5–270 keV, and is also very similar to that of the γ-ray band.

We show the intensity maps for outward and inward emissions in the upper and lower panels of Figure 1(C), respectively. As seen in the upper panel, the emission altitude for the double peak with Δϕ = 0.49 is rov ∼ 0.97–0.98. A shift of the reference phase δϕ is not necessary in this source. As argued in TCS08, outward emission dominates in the light curve for a young pulsar with a strong non-thermal X-ray component, like the Crab pulsar. PSR J0205+6449 is the youngest pulsar in our sample (characteristic age τc ∼ 5 × 103 yr) and shows rather strong non-thermal radiation in the X-ray band. Thus, it is likely that only outward emission contributes to the observed X-ray light curve in this pulsar.

3.4. PSR J2229+6114

The light curve for γ-rays observed by Fermi (Abdo et al. 2009b) shows an asymmetric single peak at ϕ ∼ 0.49. The tail extends down to ϕ ∼ 0.2. The peak position depends slightly on the energy range above 100 MeV, but the amount of shift is only ∼0.04. The X-ray pulse profile observed by XMM-Newton (Abdo et al. 2009b) shows a double-peak structure. No peak is seen at the γ-ray peak phase. The separation between the first X-ray peak and the γ-ray peak is Δϕ ∼ 0.32, and the separation between the second X-ray peak and the γ-ray peak is Δϕ ∼ 0.14.

The intensity map for outward emission is shown in the upper panel of Figure 1(D). We consider the formation of the γ-ray peak and two X-ray peaks as being due to outward emission only. Such a solution is possible by choosing an emission altitude of rov ∼ 1.01–1.02 with a small phase shift δϕ = 0.03. The intensity map for inward emission shows a sudden decrease in the number counts for rov < 1.06. The peak becomes broad and hence the contribution of the inward emission is not very important. We show the light curve of inward and outward emissions for rov ∼ 1.01–1.02 in Figure 1(D). The outward emission curve is very similar to the observations in the γ-ray and X-ray bands.

In this pulsar, we need to use all the light curves simultaneously in order to determine the range of rov. Since emissions with smaller values of rov are not seen, if the γ-ray and optical emission regions are separated by Δrov > 0.10, similar to the Vela pulsar and PSR J0659+1414, we predict that an optical pulse profile cannot be observed or will be only very weakly detected. This is consistent with the fact that there have been no reports of the detection of a pulse in the lower energy band for this pulsar.

3.5. PSR J1420−6048

The γ-ray light curve from Fermi (Weltevrede et al. 2010) shows a broad peak at ϕ ∼ 0.2–0.5. This peak may consist of two components, but it is not clear in the current photon statistics. The X-ray pulse profile from ASCA is detected weakly at a marginal level, and shows a broad peak at ϕ ∼ 0.6–0.7 which is different from the γ-ray peak (Roberts et al. 2001; Becker 2009). Recently, Marelli et al. (2011) listed this object as a non-thermal dominated source in X-ray. The pulsed X-ray profile is likely to originate from the non-thermal component.

Since the light curve of this pulsar and its geometrical parameters are similar to those of PSR J0659+1414, we adopt the same interpretation. That is, the γ-ray peak is formed by outward emission, whereas the X-ray peak is formed by inward emission. From the intensity map in Figure 1(E), an emission altitude of rov ∼ 1.10–1.11 corresponds to one broad peak at ϕ ∼ 0.2–0.5 by outward emission and another at ϕ ∼ 0.6–0.7 by inward emission. Here a small shift δϕ = 0.10 toward earlier phase is used. Since there are similarities in both the γ-ray and X-ray light curves and the geometrical parameters between this pulsar and PSR J0659+1414, we expect a similar double-peak pulse profile in the optical band, if it is detected.

3.6. PSR J2021+3651

Observations in the γ-ray band have been obtained by Fermi (Abdo et al. 2009c) and AGILE (Halpern et al. 2008). The observed light curve shows a sharp double-peak structure. The first peak is offset from the radio peak by ϕ ∼ 0.16 and the two peaks are separated by Δϕ ∼ 0.47. The X-ray light curve in Abdo et al. (2009c) shows a relatively sharp peak associated with the first peak in the γ-ray light curve albeit with weak photon statistics. In this paper, we assume that at least the first peak is non-thermal in origin. The possible contribution of non-thermal X-ray emission is also discussed in Hessels et al. (2004) and Van Etten et al. (2008). We expect that this assumption will be tested by phase-resolved spectra from future observations.

As seen in the upper panel of Figure 1(F), the emission altitude is rov ∼ 0.97–0.98 for which there is a γ-ray double-peak profile with separation Δϕ = 0.47 and a relative shift δϕ = 0.06 toward later phase. The peak of non-thermal emission at ϕ = 0.15–0.20 in the X-ray light curve is found to be formed by outward emission only. The relatively weak second peak in the X-ray band is consistent with the case of PSR J0205+6449. Thus, the three model parameters for this pulsar and PSR J0205+6449 are very similar, as shown in Table 1.

3.7. PSR J1057−5226

The γ-ray light curve from Fermi (Abdo et al. 2010c) shows a broad peak at ϕ ∼ 0.25–0.65. This probably consists of two components, but it is not clear. De Luca et al. (2005) extract only a power-law component of the X-ray light curve and their Figure 13 shows two peaks at ϕ ∼ 0.2–0.3 and ϕ ∼ 0.9–1.0, although the data are very coarse. We regard the light curve as being produced by a non-thermal X-ray component.

The observed light curve may be regarded either as a broad peak consisting of weak peaks and a relatively bright bridge emission or as a result of the range of the emission region widening toward lower altitudes. In the latter interpretation the fitted rov is only a lower limit. We thus focus on the width of the γ-ray peak. From the upper panel of Figure 1(G), the emission altitude is rov ∼ 0.93–0.94. Even if we assume a double-peak structure with the first peak at ϕ ∼ 0.31 and the second peak at ϕ ∼ 0.59 following Abdo et al. (2010c), we have rov ∼0.90–0.91, which is very similar to the value obtained above. Thus we have rov ∼0.90–0.95 in either case. The phase shift is δϕ = 0.10 in this pulsar. The first peak in the X-ray light curve is formed by outward emission, but the second one cannot be produced for the same altitude. This may be a drawback to our model, but the present X-ray data are coarse and a much more precise non-thermal X-ray light curve is needed.


4.1. Statistical Properties of the Emission Region

In the previous section, we have shown that the peak phases of seven pulsars emitting γ-rays and X-rays can be successfully fitted using the TCS08 outer gap model, in which both γ-rays and X-rays originate from the same magnetic field line characterized by an altitude rov. A parameter rov > 1 is needed in the light curve fitting for some sources. Moreover, the inclusion of inward emission for X-rays causes a variety of pulse profiles in both bands. The parameter rov could not be determined solely using γ-ray data for a single γ-ray peak pulsar. But, by considering the X-ray light curve, the parameter is uniquely determined for PSRs J0659+1414, J2229+6114, and J1420−6048.

It is worthwhile to explore the general dependence of the altitude rov on other characteristics, if any, although there may not be enough data for a proper statistical analysis. In Figure 3, rov is plotted as a function of inclination angle α, spin-down luminosity LSD, characteristic age τc, and surface dipole magnetic field Bs. We found that there is a significant correlation between rov and the inclination angle α only; the relations of rov with the other parameters are very weak. This correlation suggests that the deviation from a vacuum rotating dipole field is large for small inclination angle. It is very interesting to compare this result with that in a force-free magnetosphere. Bai & Spitkovsky (2010b) proposed that the separatrix layer at an altitude of 0.90–0.95 times the height of the last-open field line is relevant to emissions in a three-dimensional inclined force-free magnetosphere. This altitude, which is not exactly symmetric with respect to the magnetic azimuthal angle ϕm, but which can be approximated by the value at ϕm = 0, is plotted in Figure 3 as purple downward and blue upward triangles. Two linear fitting lines are also shown. The altitude rov decreases with the inclination angle α in both our model and in the separatrix layer model of a force-free magnetosphere. However, the emission region in the separatrix layer model extends even outside the light cylinder, whereas ours is well localized around null points. Accounting for this difference may be important for further improvement of the model of the emission region based on a force-free magnetosphere.

Figure 3.

Figure 3. Relation between rov and inclination angle (upper), spin-down luminosity (lower left), characteristic age (lower middle), and surface magnetic field (lower right). The altitudes corresponding to the separatrix layer model are shown as purple downward and blue upward triangles in the upper panel. The two lines are linear fitting lines for the separatrix layer model. The light green curve in the lower left panel shows the relation (1 − rov) = (1033erg s−1/LSD)1/2.

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The thickness of the gap region, w, is not known, but it is sometimes assumed to decrease with the spin-down luminosity LSD (Watters et al. 2009; Romani & Watters 2010). We have w = 1 − rov if the lower boundary of the gap is fixed as the last-open field line in the vacuum dipole field. This assumption is tested in the lower left panel of Figure 3 in which the relation (1 − rov) ≈ (LSD/1033erg s−1)−1/2 is plotted as a light green curve. (The curve is not fitted to the data points.) This suggests that the assumption of maximum altitude, rov = 1.0, is not a good one. This discovery affects the expected number of γ-ray pulsars in the observation. For geometrical reasons, the pulsed emission by caustics is limited to a certain range between inclination and viewing angles.

Romani & Watters (2010) showed the range of observable pulsars with rov =0.95, 0.90, and 0.70 for the outer gap model in their Figure 16. We recalculate it and show the result in Figure 4. The observable range of viewing angle ξ is below the curves. Our finding in Figure 3 is that rov is a function of the inclination angle, which is similar to that of the separatrix layer model. We also show the observable range according to the empirical relation obtained in Figure 3 as a black solid line, for which the altitude is chosen as 0.925 times the height of the last-open field line in a force-free magnetosphere. The figure shows that sources with low inclination and viewing angles become observable. For example, a pulsar with inclination angle α = 30° can be detected for ξ > 60° for rov = 0.95, but not for ξ > 30°. Thus the expected number approximately doubles for sources with low inclination and viewing angles.

Figure 4.

Figure 4. Observable range for γ-ray pulsars in the α–ξ plane for the outer gap model. Black solid curve shows the boundary of observable pulsars using linear fitting line for the separatrix layer model. Red dashed, blue dash-dotted, and purple dotted curves show the boundary with rov = 0.95, 0.90, and 0.70, respectively. Light green circles show the pulsars in Table 1.

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4.2. The Phenomenological Limitation for Emissivity

The caustic model considered in Section 3 provides peak positions consistent with observation, but there are also some additional, unseen peaks. These are interpreted as being prohibited by some mechanism. In this section, we consider an improvement to our model that takes into account a very simple distribution for the emissivity. Detectable γ-rays are radiated with large multiplicity by the pair plasma in the gap region. Therefore, the mean free path of a γ-ray photon should be less than the light cylinder radius (Takata & Chang 2007). The pair creation mean free path is given by λ(r) ∼ 5.6P13/21(Bs/1012G)−2/7r (Tang et al. 2008) for an assumed limiting distance to the null point rn, lim. The position of the null point of inclined pulsars, where the accelerating electric field arises, depends significantly on magnetic azimuthal angle, so the intensity of γ-ray emission also depends on the magnetic azimuthal angle. Therefore, active field lines should be limited in the azimuthal direction. By taking into account the azimuthal extensions with λ(rn, lim) ≲ 0.2–0.7RLC listed in Table 1, the fits of the resultant light curves, which are shown in Figure 5, become better. In the same figure, we also show the radial distance to the emission points of the observed photons against the rotation phase. Note that, for the Vela pulsar, the minor third peak at ϕ ∼ 0.8 still remains even after the inclusion of the azimuthal extension limit. The corresponding radial distance of emission points is relatively large, so that the photon energy is expected to be soft. The third peak is not observed in the GeV band, but may appear in a much lower energy band. At least, the minor third peak of the X-ray light curve appears to be associated with the same caustic.

Figure 5.

Figure 5. Distribution of the radial distance to the null point of the field line on which observed photons are emitted (each upper panel) and the light curves that are restricted by the azimuthal extension limit as a function of the rotation phase (each lower panel) for seven pulsars. The color shows the radial distance to the emitting point as 0.0 < r/RLC < 0.2 (red), 0.2 < r/RLC < 0.4 (light green), 0.4 < r/RLC < 0.6 (blue), 0.6 < r/RLC < 0.8 (purple), and 0.8 < r/RLC < 1.0 (light blue). The values rn, lim for each pulsar are shown as black long-dashed horizontal lines. The red short-dashed vertical lines show the phases of the γ-ray peaks. For PSRs J1420−6048 and J1057−5226, the vertical lines show the phase range of broad peaks.

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We have also tried to improve the X-ray light curve with some other simple assumptions, but have not had good results. The reason for this is that there are many ways for X-ray emitting particles to be created: via thermal, magnetospheric emissions and magnetic pair creation. Therefore, the three-dimensional effect of the propagation of γ-ray photons and soft X-ray photons is very important. Without it we cannot successfully explain the light curve.

4.3. The Location of the UV/optical Emission Region

We explored the UV/optical emission region for Vela and PSR J0659+1414. The results are qualitatively similar: the altitude range of UV/optical emission, Δrov ∼ 0.15, is broader than that for γ-rays and X-rays, Δrov ∼ 0.02, and both emission regions are not continuous and connected, but are widely separated. The separation may come from two competing mechanisms: a decrease of emissivity and an increase of synchrotron intensity in the UV/optical bands with altitude.

As discussed in TCS08, outward emission is generally dominant in UV/optical emission, as shown in their Figure 4. The explanation is the following. The number of pairs created is the main cause of the difference between inward and outward emissions in the UV/optical bands, since the collision angles with magnetospheric X-rays are not different for outgoing and ingoing γ-ray photons in the acceleration region. More outgoing γ-rays are emitted, and hence more outgoing secondary pairs are produced. Thus, the synchrotron emission for outgoing secondary pairs produced by magnetic X-rays is brighter than that for the ingoing secondary pairs. The observed flux depends strongly on the geometrical configuration. The outward emission in the UV/optical bands may not point toward us even though the intrinsic emission is strong. Our results show that the peaks in the Vela pulsar can be explained by outward emission alone, while those in PSR J0659+1414 require both inward and outward emissions. Our result suggests that outward emission is significantly suppressed in PSR J0659+1414, to the level of the intrinsically weak inward emissions. The stronger component is hidden, because the observable altitude range is narrow, as shown in Figure 1(B). This may explain the fact that the UV/optical flux is smaller than the value extrapolated from non-thermal X-rays, as seen in Figure 4 of Mignani et al. (2010), whereas the flux coincides with the extrapolation in the Vela pulsar. This interpretation may be tested in PSR J1057−5226. We also suggest that this difference is the reason why PSR J0659+1414, which has similar geometrical parameters to the Vela pulsar, has an observable optical spectrum (Mignani et al. 2010), and the flux is slightly smaller than the extrapolation from non-thermal X-ray emission. The pulse profile has not yet been determined, but the peaks should appear at a phase 0.3<ϕ < 0.6 and be due to outward emission.


We have calculated the light curves of emissions using the TCS08 outer gap model and compared them with observed multi-wavelength light curves. We find that the model can successfully explain the peak positions of multi-wavelength light curves. In order to determine the altitude of the emission region, the observed X-ray light curve is important, especially when there is a single peak in the γ-ray light curve.

The fit of a light curve based on a simple emissivity distribution can be improved by taking into account the limitation of azimuthal extension in which a reasonable value of the γ-ray photon mean free path is adopted. The resulting difference between model and observed γ-ray light curves becomes small; however, there may still be an unseen peak, such as the minor third peak in Vela.

The best-fit values of the altitude of the emission region for PSRs J0659+1414 and J1420−6048 suggest a deviation from the last-open field lines of a vacuum dipole field. The real last-open field lines lie inside those of a vacuum dipole field, rov < 1.0. This shift suggests that the lower boundary is very similar to that of a force-free magnetosphere. We find that the altitude of the emission region is correlated with inclination angle. This relationship is also very similar to that in a force-free magnetosphere. The lower boundary of the emission region has so far been assumed to be rov = 1, but our model fits do not support this. This modification of the boundary of the magnetosphere suggests that the pulsars with low inclination and viewing angles are likely to be detectable. Thus the expected number of future observations in previous works (Takata et al. 2011; Watters & Romani 2011) is underestimated for sources with low inclination and viewing angles.

The authors thank S. Shibata and J. Takata for much valuable discussion. This work was supported in part by the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research from the Japan Society for Promotion of Science (S.K.) and from the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Y.K.; No. 21540271).

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