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Performance of steer progeny of sires differing in genetic potential for fatness and meat yield following post-weaning growth at different rates. 1. Growth and live-animal composition

J. F. Wilkins A B F , W. A. McKiernan A C , J. Irwin A D , B. Orchard A B and S. A. Barwick A E
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- Author Affiliations

A Cooperative Research Centre for Beef Genetic Technologies, University of New England, Armidale, NSW 2351, Australia.

B NSW Department of Primary Industries, Wagga Wagga Agricultural Institute, Private Mail Bag, Wagga Wagga, NSW 2650, Australia.

C NSW Department of Primary Industries, Locked Bag 21, Orange, NSW 2800, Australia.

D NSW Department of Primary Industries, Private Mail Bag, Yanco, NSW 2703, Australia.

E Animal Genetics and Breeding Unit, University of New England, Armidale, NSW 2351, Australia.

F Corresponding author. Email:

Animal Production Science 49(6) 515-524
Submitted: 1 November 2008  Accepted: 11 February 2009   Published: 13 May 2009


The present experiment, ‘Regional Combinations’, examined growth, and carcass- and meat-quality traits in the progeny of sires genetically diverse for fatness and meat yield when grown at different rates from weaning to feedlot entry. The present paper is the first of several papers describing results from the New South Wales site, one of four in the project. It reports the effects on growth and body composition of steers during backgrounding and feedlot finishing phases. A total of 43 sires within three carcass-class categories, defined as high potential for meat yield, for marbling or for both traits, was used, based on estimated breeding values for retail beef yield and intramuscular fat. Sires were drawn from Angus, Charolais, Limousin, Black Wagyu and Red Wagyu breeds, providing a range of carcass sire types across the three carcass classes. Matings were by artificial insemination to Hereford dams from a single herd. Steer progeny were grown at conventional (slow: ~0.5 kg/day) or accelerated (fast: ~0.7 kg/day) rates from weaning to feedlot entry weight, targeting group means of 400 kg. Accelerated and conventionally grown groups from successive calvings entered the feedlot at similar entry liveweights at the same time, then having identical management during the 100-day finishing phase before slaughter. Within finishing cohorts, fast backgrounding growth resulted in increased subcutaneous fatness at feedlot entry in steers of all carcass types. Slow growth during backgrounding resulted in faster (compensatory) growth in the feedlot in all classes and sire types. This increased the deposition of fat in slow-backgrounded steers compared with that in fast-backgrounded steers during feedlotting, and thus reduced the difference between the groups in P8 and rib fat at feedlot exit. However, there did appear to be an advantage in the level of compensation in the feedlot in favour of those sire types with a genetic propensity for faster growth. Backgrounding growth rate affected body composition and the rate of weight gain during finishing. Faster growth produced more subcutaneous fat during both backgrounding and finishing. Steer progeny groups clearly showed the expected responses in growth and body composition, on the basis of the genetic potential of their sires.

Additional keywords: compensatory growth, growth path, intramuscular fat, estimated breeding values, retail beef yield.


We are pleased to acknowledge the large contribution to the project by the support of our commercial cooperator, AgReserves Australia– sincere thanks go to all staff and management at ‘Bringagee’ and ‘Kooba’ for their enthusiastic involvement (Tony Abel and Angus Paterson, in particular). We are also grateful for the cooperation and assistance of Cargill Beef Australia (Harry Waddington and Grant Garey, in particular) at the feedlot finishing (‘Jindalee’, near Temora, NSW) and processing stages (Cargill works, Wagga Wagga, NSW). Special thanks go to Matt Wolcott for his expert assistance with ultrasound measurements, to Diana Perry and staff at the Meat Science Laboratory (Armidale), and to Jeffrey House and Greg Meaker for their valuable inputs in field data collection. The authors were supported by the NSW Department of Primary Industries, the CRC for Cattle and Beef Quality and by Meat and Livestock Australia. Many thanks go to all the field- and administrative-support staff of NSW DPI who assisted with this large experiment and to all our colleagues within the Beef CRC and NSW DPI who provided advice throughout. Finally, we gratefully acknowledge the inputs of Dr Jim Walkley for his helpful advice in the drafting and revision of this paper.


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