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About this book
Drawing together an international group of scholars, this book provides fresh and provocative perspectives on boundaries in organizations. The emergence, management and transformation of organizational boundaries is intrinsic to modern organization and poses one of the most persistent and potentially rewarding challenges to researchers and managers alike. The book offers the latest insights into the nature of boundaries, how they may be interpreted and studied, as well as implications for managing. The chapters include theoretical perspectives and cases from Europe, Canada, the USA, Australia, the Middle East and Africa.
About the editors
FRANÇOIS BÉLAND Professor in the Department of Health Administration, University of Montreal
FREDRIK VON CORSWANT Department of Operations Management, Chalmers University, Sweden
DIANNE CYR Associate Professor, Simon Fraser University, Canada
JEAN-LOUIS DENIS Professor of Health Adminstration, University of Montreal
ANNA DUBOIS Associate Professor, Industrial Marketing, Chalmers University, Sweden
PETER FREDRIKSSON Department of Operations Management, Chalmers University, Sweden
CHRISTINA GARSTEN Associate Professor of Social Anthropology, SCORE, Sweden
BIRGIT JEVNAKER Associate Professor, Norwegian School of Management, Sandvika
FRANS KAMSTEEG Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Social Sciences, Vrije University, Amsterdam
HANNELE KERUSUO Researcher at the Center of Activity Theory and Developmental Work Research, University of Helsinki, Finland
ANN LANGLEY Professor of Strategy, HEC, Montreal
NICK MARSHALL Research Fellow, Centre for Research in Innovation Management, University of Brighton
YAEL MELNIK Organizational Consultant specializing in cross-cultural working relations
CHRISTENA NIPPERT-ENG Associate Professor of Sociology, Illinois Institute of Technology
NIKI PANTELI Lecturer in Information Systems at the University of Bath
ANAT RAFAELI Professor and Chair of Social Sciences at Technion, Israel's Institute of Technology
CHARO RODRIGUEZ Postdoctoral Fellow in Management, McGill University
BOAS SHAMIR Professor of Sociology and Anthropology, HebrewUniversity of Jerusalem
HAIZLEY TREVOR-SMITH Lecturer at Simon-Fraser University, Canada
IRIS VILNAI-YAVETZ PhD candidate, Technion, Israel
HARRY WELS Associate Professor, Vrije University, Amsterdam