Issue 34, 2022

High efficiency and low operating voltage yellow phosphorescent organic light-emitting diodes with a simple doping-free structure


Yellow phosphorescent organic light-emitting diodes (PhOLEDs) with high efficiency and a low operating voltage were reported through using a simple doping-free structure. The structure of the PhOLEDs was ITO/C60/MoO3/mCP/PO-01-TB/PO-T2T/Liq/Al. The np-type C60/MoO3 heterojunction acted as hole injection layer, and the ultrathin PO-01-TB layer (0.1 nm) was inserted at the interface between mCP and PO-T2T to serve as yellow phosphorescent emitter. Detailed investigation suggested that the complete energy transfer occurred from the mCP/PO-T2T interfacial exciplex to yellow PO-01-TB. Furthermore, the np-type C60/MoO3 heterojunction could supply more free charge carriers, giving rise to further enhanced PhOLED efficiency. By adjusting the thickness of the C60/MoO3 heterojunction, a yellow PhOLED with a power efficiency of 71.6 lm W−1 was demonstrated with an extremely low operating voltage of 3.79 V at 1000 cd m−2.

Graphical abstract: High efficiency and low operating voltage yellow phosphorescent organic light-emitting diodes with a simple doping-free structure

Article information

Article type
11 Jun 2022
22 Jul 2022
First published
09 Aug 2022
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2022,12, 21932-21939

High efficiency and low operating voltage yellow phosphorescent organic light-emitting diodes with a simple doping-free structure

J. Hua, J. Li, Z. Zhan, Y. Chai, Z. Cheng, P. Li, H. Dong and J. Wang, RSC Adv., 2022, 12, 21932 DOI: 10.1039/D2RA03617G

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