Issue 3, 2023

Targeted implementation strategies of precise photodynamic therapy based on clinical and technical demands


With the development of materials science, photodynamic-based treatments have gradually entered clinics. Photodynamic therapy is ideal for cancer treatment due to its non-invasive and spatiotemporal properties and is the first to be widely promoted in clinical practice. However, the shortcomings resulting from the gap between technical and clinical demands, such as phototoxicity, low tissue permeability, and tissue hypoxia, limit its wide applications. This article reviews the available data regarding the pharmacological and clinical factors affecting the efficacy of photodynamic therapy, such as photosensitizers and oxygen supply, disease diagnosis, and other aspects of photodynamic therapy. In addition, the synergistic treatment of photodynamic therapy with surgery and nanotechnology is also discussed, which is expected to provide inspiration for the design of photodynamic therapy strategies.

Graphical abstract: Targeted implementation strategies of precise photodynamic therapy based on clinical and technical demands

Article information

Article type
Review Article
29 Aug 2022
18 Nov 2022
First published
01 Dec 2022

Biomater. Sci., 2023,11, 704-718

Targeted implementation strategies of precise photodynamic therapy based on clinical and technical demands

Y. Qian, J. Wang, W. Bu, X. Zhu, P. Zhang, Y. Zhu, X. Fan and C. Wang, Biomater. Sci., 2023, 11, 704 DOI: 10.1039/D2BM01384C

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