Issue 54, 2021

Reversible CO2 storage and efficient separation using Ca decorated porphyrin-like porous C24N24 fullerene: a DFT study


The search for novel materials for effective storage and separation of CO2 molecules is a critical issue for eliminating or lowering this harmful greenhouse gas. In this paper, we investigate the potential application of a porphyrin-like porous fullerene (C24N24) as a promising material for CO2 storage and separation using thorough density functional theory calculations. The results show that CO2 is physisorbed on bare C24N24, implying that this material cannot be used for efficient CO2 storage. Coating C24N24 with Ca atoms, on the other hand, can greatly improve the adsorption strength of CO2 molecules due to polarization and charge-transfer effects. Furthermore, the average adsorption energy for each of the maximum 24 absorbed CO2 molecules on the fully decorated Ca6C24N24 fullerene is −0.40 eV, which fulfills the requirement needed for efficient CO2 storage (−0.40 to −0.80 eV). The Ca coated C24N24 fullerene also have a strong potential for CO2 separation from CO2/H2, CO2/CH4, and CO2/N2 mixtures.

Graphical abstract: Reversible CO2 storage and efficient separation using Ca decorated porphyrin-like porous C24N24 fullerene: a DFT study

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Article information

Article type
03 Aug 2021
13 Oct 2021
First published
25 Oct 2021
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2021,11, 34402-34409

Reversible CO2 storage and efficient separation using Ca decorated porphyrin-like porous C24N24 fullerene: a DFT study

M. D. Esrafili and S. Hosseini, RSC Adv., 2021, 11, 34402 DOI: 10.1039/D1RA05888F

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