Issue 32, 2015

Synthesis of bradyrhizose, a unique inositol-fused monosaccharide relevant to a Nod-factor independent nitrogen fixation


The symbiosis of Bradyrhizobium sp. BTAi1 with its host plant Aeschynomene indica relies on a Nod-factor independent mechanism, wherein the Bradyrhizobium O-antigen is regarded as a key factor. This O-antigen polysaccharide is composed of a unique C10 monosaccharide, namely bradyrhizose, which has a galactose–inositol trans-fused scaffold, via a homogeneous α-(1 → 7)-linkage. Herein, we report the first synthesis of bradyrhizose. The scalable synthesis requires 26 steps in a high overall yield of 9%, with the inositol scaffold being constructed effectively via a Ferrier II rearrangement from a fully functionalized C2 and C4 branched pyranose derivative.

Graphical abstract: Synthesis of bradyrhizose, a unique inositol-fused monosaccharide relevant to a Nod-factor independent nitrogen fixation

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Article information

Article type
27 Jan 2015
14 Mar 2015
First published
16 Mar 2015

Chem. Commun., 2015,51, 6964-6967

Author version available

Synthesis of bradyrhizose, a unique inositol-fused monosaccharide relevant to a Nod-factor independent nitrogen fixation

W. Li, A. Silipo, A. Molinaro and B. Yu, Chem. Commun., 2015, 51, 6964 DOI: 10.1039/C5CC00752F

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