Issue 105, 2014

One pot synthesis of 1,2,4,5-tetrasubstituted-imidazoles catalyzed by trityl chloride in neutral media


Trityl chloride (TrCl or Ph3CCl) efficiently catalyzes the one-pot multi-component condensation of benzil with aldehydes, primary amines and ammonium acetate under neutral and solvent-free conditions to give 1,2,4,5-tetrasubstituted imidazoles in high to excellent yields and in short reaction times. Mechanistically, it is attractive that trityl chloride promotes the reaction by in situ generation of trityl carbocation (Ph3C+).

Graphical abstract: One pot synthesis of 1,2,4,5-tetrasubstituted-imidazoles catalyzed by trityl chloride in neutral media

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Article information

Article type
16 Sep 2014
31 Oct 2014
First published
03 Nov 2014

RSC Adv., 2014,4, 60636-60639

One pot synthesis of 1,2,4,5-tetrasubstituted-imidazoles catalyzed by trityl chloride in neutral media

A. R. Moosavi-Zare, Z. Asgari, A. Zare, M. A. Zolfigol and M. Shekouhy, RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 60636 DOI: 10.1039/C4RA10589C

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