Issue 3, 2008

Surface-chemical and -morphological gradients


Surface gradients of chemistry or morphology represent powerful tools for the high-throughput investigation of interfacial phenomena in the areas of physics, chemistry, materials science and biology. A wide variety of methods for the fabrication of such gradients has been developed in recent years, relying on principles ranging from diffusion to time-dependent irradiation in order to achieve a gradual change of a particular parameter across a surface. In this review we have endeavoured to cover the principal fabrication approaches for surface-chemical and surface-morphological gradients that have been described in the literature, and to provide examples of their applications in a variety of different fields.

Graphical abstract: Surface-chemical and -morphological gradients

Article information

Article type
Review Article
09 Oct 2007
17 Dec 2007
First published
30 Jan 2008

Soft Matter, 2008,4, 419-434

Surface-chemical and -morphological gradients

S. Morgenthaler, C. Zink and N. D. Spencer, Soft Matter, 2008, 4, 419 DOI: 10.1039/B715466F

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