Sir, Re: 'Cecil, King of Lions'. I was horrified to read about the slaughter of Cecil, King of Lions in Zimbabwe by the American dentist, Walter Palmer, who had paid $35,000 for the 'privilege'. He has also paid vast sums of money to kill endangered species, including a leopard and a white rhino. Thankfully, the dentist was not British. Even so, I fear that he has brought shame and disgrace upon our profession, as not being a caring person. His leering face beams over his dead trophies, which likewise, were obviously lured to their death and easy targets for his bow and arrow.

It is even more poignant for me, as I visited my cousin who lived in Zimbabwe about 16 years ago. We stayed a couple of nights at Hwange National Park and were taken by transport at night and sunrise to the watering holes to view the wildlife. It was sheer magic. During the day we looked through binoculars, and each day there was a posting of the animals seen.

It is a matter for his conscience, but in view of the harm he has done, he should repay every penny, and more, to the wildlife conservation for the preservation of these animals, otherwise they will become extinct. Recently, His Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge has spoken about this in London and New York.

1. London