Correction to: Scientific Reports, published online 21 May 2020

The original version of this Article contained errors in Figure 2 where the longitude coordinates and the figure call-outs were incorrect in panel (A). The original Figure 2 and accompanying legend appear below.

Figure 2
figure 2

The study area with 54 large craters and 15 mounds. (A) bathymetric map. The yellow lines represent the long axis of craters and pink arrow the crater to mound orientation. The craters that show an asymmetry of > 1.6 are regarded as elongated, and included in the orientation measures. These orientations are presented in a rose diagram in inset (B). The data show a NNW trend of crater orientations, and that mounds tend to be located on the eastern side of the crater-mound couples. (C)-panel showing statistical data where crater volume (m3) is plotted against surface area (m2), maximum depth (m) and maximum slope (degrees). (D) profile through all craters.

The original Article has been corrected.