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Reply to: Caution at psychiatry’s psychedelic frontier and Challenges with benchmarking of MDMA-assisted psychotherapy

The Original Article was published on 11 October 2021

The Original Article was published on 11 October 2021

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J. M., A. C. and B. Y.-K. contributed to the writing of this manuscript.

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Correspondence to Jennifer Mitchell.

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A. C. and B. Y.-K. received salary support for full-time employment with MAPS PBC/MAPS, the trial organizer and sponsor.

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Mitchell, J., Coker, A. & Yazar-Klosinski, B. Reply to: Caution at psychiatry’s psychedelic frontier and Challenges with benchmarking of MDMA-assisted psychotherapy. Nat Med 27, 1691–1692 (2021).

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