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Melanin and Cellular Reactions to Ultraviolet Radiation


THERE has been much discussion about the importance of melanin in protecting skin against the damaging effects of sunlight and/or ultraviolet radiation1–4; absorption and scattering by melanin protect intracellular organelles and cells in vitro5,6. But we now believe that a number of the so-called “sunburn cells”, the dyskeratotic cells present in epidermis 12–48 h after irradiation7–9, contain granules of melanin. Furthermore, they contain more granules than neighbouring, apparently undamaged cells. Thus paradoxically, cells containing what should be a protective compound are killed, while those containing less or none are apparently undamaged.

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JOHNSON, B., MANDELL, G. & DANIELS, F. Melanin and Cellular Reactions to Ultraviolet Radiation. Nature New Biology 235, 147–149 (1972).

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