
Vukadinovic M, Jezdic Z et al. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2007; 65: 675–679

For lip squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) smaller than 2 cm, the cure rate is around 90%, but where lymph node metastasis develops, this reduces to below 50%. In a Belgrade hospital from 1991-2000, 223 patients were treated for SCC of the lip. In 48%, there was a history of chronic sun exposure, and in 59%, past or present smoking.

Tumour stage 1 accounted for 90% of SCCs. Palpable nodes were present in 27% of patients, all of whom received neck dissections. Of these, 85% had histological metastases. Several different techniques were used for lip defect reconstruction. In 10 patients, regional metastases developed within a 56 month follow-up; 5 of these patients died. The authors emphasise the need for a multidisciplinary approach to treatment.