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We report a preliminary study of the relationship between genotype (using a functional polymorphism of the serotonin transporter 5-HTT gene) and positive psychological development in high-achieving adolescent swimmers. Thirty-one volunteers of both genders, aged 10-24 years, completed a battery of positive psychological questionnaires measuring hardiness, mental toughness, self-esteem, self-efficacy, dispositional optimism, and positive affectivity. DNA samples were obtained via buccal swabs. The sample was initially split into three groups on the basis of 5-HTT genotype: SS, SL, and LL. Multivariate statistics revealed a discernible trend of a relationship between LL genotype and higher levels of positive psychological development. The nonsignificant overall effect is interpreted in terms of sample size and age of participants. The implications of these results are discussed relative to previous findings and in terms of psychological theory.


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