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LayerOut: Freezing Layers in Deep Neural Networks

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Deep networks involve a huge amount of computation during the training phase and are prone to over-fitting. To ameliorate these, several conventional techniques such as DropOut, DropConnect, Guided Dropout, Stochastic Depth, and BlockDrop have been proposed. These techniques regularize a neural network by dropping nodes, connections, layers, or blocks within the network. However, these conventional regularization techniques suffers from limitation that, they are suited either for fully connected networks or ResNet-based architectures. In this research, we propose a novel regularization technique LayerOut to train deep neural networks which stochastically freeze the trainable parameters of a layer during an epoch of training. This technique can be applied to both fully connected networks and all types of convolutional networks such as VGG-16, ResNet, etc. Experimental evaluation on multiple dataset including MNIST, CIFAR-10, and CIFAR-100 demonstrates that LayerOut generalizes better than the conventional regularization techniques and additionally reduces the computational burden significantly. We have observed up to 70\(\%\) reduction in computation per epoch and up to 2\(\%\) improvement in classification accuracy as compared to the baseline networks (VGG-16 and ResNet-110) on above datasets. Codes are publically available at

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We dedicate this work to our Revered Founder Chancellor, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba and the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, SSSIHL for providing us with the necessary resources needed to conduct our research.

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Goutam, K., Balasubramanian, S., Gera, D. et al. LayerOut: Freezing Layers in Deep Neural Networks. SN COMPUT. SCI. 1, 295 (2020).

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