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A Practical Approach to Testing Calibration Strategies

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Computational Economics Aims and scope Submit manuscript


A calibration strategy tries to match target moments using a model’s parameters. We propose tests for determining whether this is possible. The tests use moments at random parameter draws to assess whether the target moments are similar to the computed ones (evidence of existence) or appear to be outliers (evidence of non-existence). Our experiments show the tests are effective at detecting both existence and non-existence in a non-linear model. Multiple calibration strategies can be quickly tested using just one set of simulated data. Applying our approach to indirect inference allows for the testing of many auxiliary model specifications simultaneously. Code is provided.

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  1. Hansen and Heckman (1996) provide an overview of the relationship between calibration as proposed by Kydland and Prescott (1982) and estimation.

  2. For concreteness, imagine there are 2 moment statistics \(\{a,b\}\) known from the data and model but only 1 parameter. Then the researcher could take m to be any one of the three vectors [a], [b], or \([a,b]'\) with each one giving a distinct calibration strategy.

  3. E.g., this is done in Kydland and Prescott (1982), where the correlations are non-targeted, and Christiano and Eichenbaum (1992), where labor market moments are left non-targeted. Christiano and Eichenbaum (1992) and Hansen (2008) discuss how to formally test the fit of the non-targeted moments.

  4. Feldman and Sun (2011) also validate econometric specifications by using simulated model data.

  5. If the model is identified under m and \(\tilde{m}\), then both sets will be a singleton, but in general the parameters are only set-identified. The \(\tilde{m}^*\) appearing in the \(\{\theta | \tilde{m}(\theta )=\tilde{m}^*\}\) is the appropriate subset of moments in \(m^*\).

  6. Specifically, the 6 moments we found give existence are the mean, standard deviation, and cyclicality of the interest rate spread, the mean debt-output ratio, and the relative standard deviation of net exports and of consumption. For these, the LOF is 0.99 and 1.02 when taking \(k=20\) and 40, respectively. Moreover, assuming normality, the probability of encountering a moment with Mahalanobis distance worse than the target moment’s distance is 72%. As we discuss later, these measures strongly suggest existence. Chatterjee and Eyigungor (2012) use the mean and standard deviation of the spread and the mean debt-output ratio.

  7. The tests we propose are simple enough to implement in other languages like Matlab or Fortran. We chose Stata because it is well-known, cross platform, and has built-in functions that are helpful in the statistical analysis.

  8. Specifically, Hansen (1982) considers what Hansen (2008) calls selection matrices A, having dimensions \(r \times \dim (m)\) where \(\dim (\theta )\le r \le \dim (m)\). A is assumed to have full (row) rank (Hansen 1982 Assumption 3.6, p. 1040). The weighting matrix W in (1) is then \(A'A\) (Hansen 1982, p. 1041). Since A is only required to have full row rank, it may place zero weight on any of the \(\dim (m(\theta ))-\dim (\theta )\) “extra” moments, thus selecting any of the combinations we consider.

  9. As we have assumed there is no sampling error in the moments, these hypothesis tests in our context have an infinite sample size and, with lack of existence, the test statistic is “infinite.”

  10. Chatterjee and Eyigungor (2012) do not estimate the short-term debt case. However, in a similar model Gordon and Guerron-Quintana (2017) find it is possible to match the same moments as they do when using \(\beta = 0.44\). We consider this value implausibly low, and so restrict the parameter space to more conventional values.

  11. A trivial example of this is \(m^1,m^2\sim N(0,1)\) (a superscript denoting a component of m) and \(m^3 = m^1+m^2\) with \(m^* = [0,0,1]\). With enough data, \(m^*\) would be in the cloud for each pairwise case but not when considering the three moments simultaneously.

  12. In terms of \(y = Xb\), the H matrix is \(X(X'X)^{-1}X'\) since \(\hat{b}=(X'X)^{-1}X'y\).

  13. Penny and Jolliffe (2001) and Ben-Gal (2005) provide examples of using the Mahalanobis distance for detecting outliers. Gnanadesikan (1997) calls \(d^2\) the squared generalized distance (p. 48).

  14. Gnanadesikan (1997, p. 48) makes a general claim of this. Formally, the result may be had by converting m to a standard normal z via \(z= A^{-1}(m-\mu )\) for \(AA'\) the Cholesky decomposition of \(\Sigma \). Then \(d^2(m) =(m-\mu )'\Sigma ^{-1}(m-\mu ) = (m-\mu )'(A^{-1})'A^{-1}(m-\mu ) = z(m)' z(m)= \sum ^{\dim (m)}_{j=1}z^j(m)^{2}\). So, \(d^2\) is the sum of \(\dim (m)\) squared independent normals, with independence of z’s components following from their being uncorrelated (Billingsley 1995, pp. 384–385). Hence, \(d^2\sim \chi ^2_{\dim (m)}\).

  15. Loftsgaarden and Quesenberry (1965) propose a consistent non-parametric density function estimator that uses the distance from a point to its kNN. They suggest \(k=n^{1/2}\) gives “good results” empirically (p. 1051). Enas and Choi (1986) quantitively investigate optimal values of k in the context of kNN classification (assigning observations to groups based on their kNN distance) and conclude values of \(n^{2/8}\) to \(n^{3/8}\) are best (p. 244). The results in Kriegel et al. (2009) can be sensitive to the value of k, but for the range we consider (5 to 40) they seem to be robust.

  16. An advantage of LOF is that one need not compute the \(lrd_k\) or \(r_k\) for all points, only for the neighbors of a given point and their neighbors. For our 1000 observations and \(k=20\), we can compute the 112 (56 twice) moment combinations used in Sect. 3 in 1.2 minutes when only computing the target moments’ LOF. For computing the percentile, we need to compute LOF for all the points, which takes 3.2 minutes total. Our approach here is qualitatively similar to Ramaswamy et al. (2000) who rank observations according to their kNN distance to find outliers.

  17. Having determined which calibration strategies give existence, we do not take a stand on how one should select a particular strategy. Many times, some moments are more essential for research questions than other ones, and so the best choice will be obvious. Of course, one should avoid any strategies that might result in weak or under-identification; Stock et al. (2002) and Canova and Sala (2009) provide ways to check for identification problems.

  18. To see why, note that for a given l there will be \({q\atopwithdelims ()l}\) moment combination, which is bounded by q! / l!. While this bound grows extremely quickly (faster than exponential) in q, it also shrinks extremely quickly in l. So the approach can still handle an arbitrarily large number of moments q, but it may require l close to q to prevent the generation of too many moment combinations. E.g., if \(l=q\) (\(l=q-1\)), so that of the q moments available in the data q (\(q-1\)) of them should be selected, there is only 1 (q) possible moment combination(s).

    An alternative way to reduce the number of moments is to redefine the q moments into groups. For concreteness, suppose the moments consist of the mean \(\mu \) and standard deviation \(\sigma \) for spreads r, consumption c, and output y (so that \(q=6\)). Then one could require that the mean and standard deviation must both be included if either one of them is: E.g., if \(\mu _r\) is included, then \(\sigma _r\) must be as well. This essentially reduces the choice space from \(q=6\)\(\{\mu _r,\sigma _r,\mu _c,\sigma _c,\mu _y,\sigma _y\}\)—to \(q=3\)\(\{(\mu _r,\sigma _r),(\mu _c,\sigma _c),(\mu _y,\sigma _y)\}\). The next section does essentially this, selecting observables and then generating moments from those observables.

  19. The times are for \(k=20\) running in Stata SE (and hence not parallel) on a quad core 2.7 GHz processor. If the percentile is not computed, the time drops to 0.6 s.

  20. Note that for indirect inference one must always have the order condition \(\dim (\gamma )\ge \dim (\theta )\) satisfied (Gallant and Tauchen 1996, p. 664). Here, since \(\dim (\theta )=3\), this is satisfied even with \(n=1\) (in which case the VAR is an AR).

  21. There are two reasons for this. First, we are using the output process parameter estimates from Chatterjee and Eyigungor (2012) which (a) include an i.i.d. shock in the estimation and (b) use 12 extra quarters of data, 1980Q1:1982Q4. We start our estimation in 1983Q1 because that is the first quarter with spreads data available, but 1980Q1:1982Q4 was a volatile period with annualized real GDP growth ranging from − 17 to \(+\)16%. Second, is that we exclude from the sample the 74 periods following each default. Consequently, the estimates in (2) are biased due to the sample selection of model data. Since the model’s spreads are not defined while in default/autarky, excluding at least some periods post default is necessary. See “Appendix B” for details.

  22. The short-term debt’s high LOF but low LOF percentile for spreads is a testament to the model’s volatile behavior with short-term debt. In particular, spreads tend to be zero or close to zero up until and then drastically increase. See figure 5 of Arellano (2008) on p. 707.

  23. The second component requires \(-1/\gamma ^*_2 + \mathbb {E}(y-\gamma ^*_1)^2/\gamma _2^{*3} = 0\) or \( \mathbb {E}(y-\gamma ^*_1)^2= \gamma ^{*2}_2\). If \(\theta \) is chosen to have \(\mathbb {E}(y)=\gamma ^*_1\), then \( \mathbb {E}(y-\gamma ^*_1)^2\) is the variance, which must equal \(\gamma ^{*2}_2\).

  24. Chatterjee and Eyigungor (2012) use a 250 point grid for debt and find m helps in obtaining convergence of the value and price functions. Our approach is slightly different, using a 2500 point grid to help convergence rather than the m shock (i.e., we take \(\overline{m}=0\)). With standard methods, our approach could be a hundred times slower, but we employ binary monotonicity as proposed by Gordon and Qiu (2017) to vastly speed the computation.

  25. Chatterjee and Eyigungor (2012) define it implicitly as \( q(b',y)= (\lambda +(1-\lambda ) z))/(\lambda +r(b',y))\), which is equivalent to the definition in (5).


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Correspondence to Grey Gordon.

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We thank Juan Carlos Escanciano, Pablo Guerron-Quintana, Amanda Michaud, Stefan Weiergraeber and two referees for helpful comments. All codes for this paper are available at


A Lack of Existence in Indirect Inference with Misspecification

In this appendix, we show indirect inference does not guarantee existence for misspecified models.

Consider the following indirect inference setup. Let the auxiliary model be \(y = \gamma _1 + \gamma _2 \epsilon \) with \( \epsilon \sim N(0,1)\). Then the maximum likelihood estimates (MLE) for \(\gamma _1\) and \(\gamma _2\) are the mean and square root of the sample variance. Let \(\gamma ^*_1\) and \(\gamma ^*_2\) denote the MLE estimates from the actual data and \(\gamma _1(\theta )\) and \(\gamma _2(\theta )\) the MLE estimates using simulated model data. For clarity, suppose there is an infinite amount of both simulated and actual data. Then \(\gamma ^*_1,\gamma _1(\theta )\) are the population mean from the data and model, respectively, and \(\gamma ^*_2,\gamma _2(\theta )\) are the population standard deviation from the data and model.

If indirect inference is done by trying to find a \(\theta ^*\) such that \(\gamma _i(\theta ^*) = \gamma ^*_i\), then evidently the deep model must be able to simultaneously match the data’s mean and variance. Under misspecification, this is not always possible. E.g., suppose the data generating process (DGP) is \(\tilde{y} = 1 + 2\epsilon \) with \(\epsilon \sim N(0,1)\)—so the auxiliary model in fact nests the DGP. Then if the deep model is an exponential with parameter \(\theta \), existence will not hold because the mean is \(\theta ^{-1}\) (which requires \(\theta ^*=1\)) and the variance is \(\theta ^{-2}\) (which does not equal 4 at \(\theta ^*=1\)). Hence, indirect inference does not guarantee existence when the model is misspecified.

Unsurprisingly then, this is also true with the Gallant and Tauchen (1996) approach. For instance, letting \(\phi (y;\gamma _1,\gamma _2)\) denote the normal density with mean \(\gamma _1\) and standard deviation \(\gamma _2\), the expected score of the auxiliary model is

$$\begin{aligned} \mathbb {E} \begin{bmatrix} \frac{\partial \log (\phi (y;\gamma _1,\gamma _2))}{\partial \gamma _1}\\ \frac{\partial \log (\phi (y;\gamma _1,\gamma _2))}{\partial \gamma _2} \end{bmatrix} = \mathbb {E} \begin{bmatrix} \frac{y-\gamma _1}{\gamma _2} \\ -\frac{1}{\gamma _2}+\frac{(y-\gamma _1)^2}{\gamma _2^3} \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} \frac{\mathbb {E}(y)-\gamma _1}{\gamma _2} \\ -\frac{1}{\gamma _2}+\frac{1}{\gamma _2^3}\mathbb {E}(y-\gamma _1)^2 \end{bmatrix}. \end{aligned}$$

For existence, there must be a \(\theta \) such that this expectation—taken with respect to model data—equals zero when evaluated at \(\gamma _1^*,\gamma _2^*\). From the first component of the vector, this requires \(\mathbb {E}(y) = \gamma _1\), i.e., the deep model must be able to reproduce the mean in the data. Supposing \(\theta \) is chosen to make this hold, the second component then requires that the variance of deep-model-generated data at \(\theta \) equals \(\gamma ^{*2}_2\).Footnote 23 So if the deep model cannot simultaneously reproduce the mean and variance in the data, existence will not hold. The example DGP and deep model discussed above provide an example where this is the case.

B The Chatterjee and Eyigungor (2012) Model

In this appendix, we more thoroughly describe the Chatterjee and Eyigungor (2012) model.

A sovereign seeks to maximize \(\mathbb {E}_0 \sum ^\infty _{t=0} \beta ^t u(c_t)\) where u is the period utility function and \(\beta \) the time discount factor. The sovereign’s “output” is a stochastic endowment consisting of a persistent component y that evolves according to a Markov chain plus an i.i.d. shock \(m\sim U[-\overline{m},\overline{m}]\). As Chatterjee and Eyigungor (2012) discuss, the m shock’s role is simply to aid convergence.Footnote 24 A default triggers an entry to autarky, which entails (1) a direct loss in output \(\phi (y) = \max \{0,d_0 y+ d_1 y^2\}\); (2) exclusion from borrowing; and (3) m being replaced with \(-\overline{m}\). The sovereign returns from autarky with probability \(\xi \).

Every unit of debt matures probabilistically at rate \(\lambda \in (0,1]\) so that \(\lambda =1 \) is short-term debt and \(\lambda \in (0,1)\) is long-term debt. In keeping with the literature, let b denote assets so that \(-b\) is debt. The total stock of assets evolves according to \(b' = x + (1-\lambda ) b\) with \(-x\) being new debt issuance. The price paid on debt issuance is \(q(b',y)\), which depends only on \(b'\) and y as they are sufficient statistics for determining future repayment rates. For each unit of debt that does not mature, the sovereign must pay a coupon z. The sovereign’s budget constraint when not in autarky is \(c = y+m+(\lambda + (1-\lambda )z)b + q(b',y) (b'-(1-\lambda )b)\). In autarky, the sovereign’s budget constraint is \(c = y - \phi (y)+( -\overline{m}).\)

When the sovereign is not in autarky, he compares the value of repaying debt with the value of default and optimally chooses to default, \(d=1\), or not, \(d=0\). Let the default policy function be denoted d(bym) and the next-period asset policy be denoted a(bym). With \(r_f\) the risk-free world interest rate and risk-neutral (foreign) purchasers of sovereign debt, bond prices must satisfy

$$\begin{aligned} q(b',y) = \mathbb {E}_{y',m'|y} \left[ (1-d(b',y',m')) \frac{\lambda + (1-\lambda ) (z+q(a(b',y',m'),y'))}{1+r_f}\right] . \end{aligned}$$

Equilibrium is a fixed point in which (1) q satisfies the above functional equation given d and a; and (2) d and a are optimal given q.

The mapping of the model to data for consumption and output is the obvious one. Less obvious is the definition of spreads and net exports. Following Chatterjee and Eyigungor (2012), we define spreads for a given \((b',y)\) pair as the difference between “internal rate of return” r and the risk-free rate r. Specifically, r is defined as the solution toFootnote 25

$$\begin{aligned} q(b',y) =\frac{\lambda + (1-\lambda ) (z+q(b',y))}{1+r(b',y)} \end{aligned}$$

and spreads are \((1+r)^4 - (1+r^f)^4\) since the model is calibrated to quarterly time periods. Net exports is more simply defined as output less consumption, which is \(y+m - c\) when not in autarky and \(y-\phi (y) + (-\overline{m}) - c\) in autarky.

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Cao, Y., Gordon, G. A Practical Approach to Testing Calibration Strategies. Comput Econ 53, 1165–1182 (2019).

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