1 Correction to: Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata (1923 -) https://doi.org/10.1007/s10231-021-01107-4

The original version of this article was published on 28th May, 2021. In the final, published version, the following changes have been made in page 6 and 30 of the article.

The line in page 6 that previously read as “The assumptions (8), (9) ensure that the set H is an associative algebra of Haantjes operators; moreover, the Hamilton–Cayley theorem implies that its rank m is not greater than n.”

Should read as “The assumptions (8), (9) ensure that the set \(\mathscr {H}\) is an associative algebra of Haantjes operators.”

The line in page 30 that previously read as “still a basis of a Haantjes algebra. However, this algebra is non-Abelian; therefore, it does not admit a generator. Thus, the PW system is a remarkable example of a superintegrable system admitting a non-Abelian ωH structure of rank 3.”

Should read as “a set of generators of a Haantjes algebra. However, this algebra is non-Abelian; therefore, it does not admit a generator. Thus, the PW system is a remarkable example of a superintegrable system admitting a non-Abelian \( \omega \mathscr{H} \) structure of rank 4.”

The original article has been corrected.