In this video, we demonstrate two operative techniques used to reduce the risk of anastomotic recurrence in Crohn’s disease.

It has been suggested that the mesentery is a pathological driver of disease recurrence in Crohn’s and performing a radical mesenteric excision has shown promising results in reducing rates of anastomotic recurrence [1, 2]. The first section of the video demonstrates a standardised technique to perform a radical mesenteric excision during an ileocaecal resection for terminal ileal Crohn’s disease.

The Kono-S is an antimesenteric, functional, end-to-end, handsewn anastomosis that has been shown to be a safe and effective technique to reduce the risk of anastomotic recurrence [3, 4]. In the second part of the video, we demonstrate a step-by-step approach to performing this as part of an ileocaecal resection, with primary anastomosis, for terminal ileal Crohn’s disease.