Correction to: Planta (2018) 248:947–962

In the third sentence of “SNP calling and SNPLDB assembly” in “Materials and methods” of the published manuscript, four numbers related to the DNA sequencing data are not correct. The error does not affect any results and conclusions of the article. The four incorrect numbers are 1144.56, 110.87, 3.86 and 4.57, while the correct numbers should be 1219.6, 101.1, 4.4 × and 3.7, respectively, and the correct sentence is given below.

The sequences of the 403 lines were obtained using Illumina HiSeq 2000 instrument through the multiplexed shotgun genotyping method (Andolfatto et al. 2011) with the DNA fragments between 400 and 600 bp, generating a total of the 1219.6 million paired end reads of 90 bp (including 6-bp index) in length (101.1 Gb of the sequence) approximately 4.4 × in depth and 3.7% coverage.