Erratum to: Rheumatol Int (2010) 30:331–340 DOI 10.1007/s00296-009-0963-y

This article was unfortunately submitted with few errors in the issue 30(3) which we would like to correct here.

First; a sentence in the last paragraph of the results section on page 336: “Indometacin was given to 30.3% of patients, acemetacine was given to 28.6% of the patients, and other NSAIDs (diclofenac sodium, flurbiprophene, and celecoxib) were given to 26.7% of patients who responded to the treatment” causes misunderstanding.

The correct sentence is: “30.3, 28.6, and 26.7% of patients who treated with indometacin, acemetacin, and other NSAIDs (diclofenac sodium, flurbiprophene, celecoxib), in that order, had responded to their treatments.”

Second; the word “acemethazine” is incorrectly written at several lines in the text, however, the correct word should be as “acemetacin”.