To the Editor,

We read with interest the case report by Liu et al. regarding an extremely rare occurrence in the medical literature, the anomalous origin of a coronary artery from the right brachiocephalic trunk [1]. Two previous cases were cited in their report. During our research on truncus arteriosus with a single ventricle, we encountered an additional case to those already reported by Liu et al. In 1956 Cree reported a single coronary artery that arose from the innominate artery and divided into a right coronary artery, running down the atrioventricular groove to supply branches to the right atrium and anterior surface of the ventricle, and a left marginal artery, running down the left margin of the ventricle to the apex and supplying branches to the posterior surface of the ventricle, in a patient with single ventricle and truncus arteriosus [2]. With this case, there are now four case reports of this type of coronary artery origin abnormality in the medical literature.