A mechanism of detonation of emulsion explosives containing microballoons in finite-diameter charges is described. A parametric dependence of the detonation velocity on the charge characteristics is obtained. The fact that the reaction-zone width increases with decreasing charge porosity is explained. It is shown that the emulsion does not completely burn out at the Chapman-Jouguet point. Final formulas for calculating the reaction time and reaction-zone width are given.
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- HE:
High explosive
- EMX:
Emulsion explosive
- CJ:
Chapman-Jouguet point
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Medvedev, A.E., Fomin, V.M. & Reshetnyak, A.Y. Mechanism of detonation of emulsion explosives with microballoons. Shock Waves 18, 107–115 (2008). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00193-008-0141-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00193-008-0141-2