Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences (2022) 79:558


In this article the statement in the Funding information section was incorrectly given as

‘Open Access funding enabled and organized by Projekt DEAL. This work was supported by research grants from Fondazione Cariplo (2018-0511) and from Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) RU 1232/7-1 to MBR as well as DFG Emmy Noether Programme MI1923/1-2, DFG RU2419 TP2, DFG CRC1315 Project A3, and Excellence Strategy-EXC-2049-390688087 to MM. Abberior STED System was funded by the DFG-INST 276/760-1.’

and should have read

‘Open Access funding enabled and organized by Projekt DEAL. This work was supported by research grants from Fondazione Cariplo (2018-0511) and from Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) RU 1232/10-1 to MBR as well as DFG Emmy Noether Programme MI1923/1-2, DFG RU2419 TP2, DFG CRC1315 Project A3, and Excellence Strategy-EXC-2049-390688087 to MM. Abberior STED System was funded by the DFG-INST 276/760-1.’

The original article has been corrected.