1 Introduction

Many works in the last decade have dealt with dynamic reliable distributed storage emulation [2, 5,6,7,8,9, 13,14,15, 17, 18, 21, 25, 27]. The motivation behind such storage is to allow new processes (nodes) to be phased in and old or dysfunctional ones to be taken offline. From a fault-tolerance point of view, once a faulty process is removed, additional failures may be tolerated. For example, consider a system that can tolerate one failure: once a process fails, no additional processes are allowed to fail. However, once the faulty process is replaced by a correct one, the system can again tolerate one failure. Thus, while static systems become permanently unavailable after some constant number of failures, dynamic systems that allow infinitely many reconfigurations can survive forever.

Previous works can be categorized into two main types: Solutions of the first type assume a churn-based model [19, 24] in which processes are free to announce when they join the storage emulation [4,5,6,7] via an auxiliary broadcast sub-system that allows a process to send a message to all the processes in the system, (which my be unknown to the sending processes). The second type solutions extend the register’s API with a reconfiguration operation for changing the current configuration of participating processes [2, 9, 13,14,15, 18, 25], which can be only invoked by members of the current configuration. In this paper we consider the latter. Such an API allows administrators (running privileged processes), to remove old or faulty processes and add new ones without shutting down the service; once a process is removed from the current configuration, a system administrator may shut it down. Note that in the churn-based model, in contrast, if processes have to perform an explicit operation in order to leave the system (as in [4, 7]), a faulty process can never be removed. In addition, since in API-based models only processes that are already within the system invoke operations, it is possible to keep track of the processes in the system, and thus auxiliary broadcast is not required.

Though the literature is abundant with dynamic storage algorithms in both models, to the best of our knowledge, all previous solutions in asynchronous and eventually synchronous models restrict reconfigurations in some way in order to ensure completion of all operations. Churn-based solutions assume a bounded churn rate [4, 5, 7], meaning that there is a finite number of joining and removing processes in a given time interval. Some of the API-based solutions [2, 13, 18, 25] provide liveness only when the number of reconfigurations is finite, whereas others discuss liveness only in synchronous runs [9, 14, 15]. Such restrictions may be problematic in emerging highly-dynamic large-scale settings.

Baldoni et al. [5] showed that it is impossible to emulate a dynamic register that ensures completion of all operations without restricting the churn rate in asynchronous churn-based models in which processes can freely abandon the computation without an explicit leave operation. Since a leave and a failure are indistinguishable in such models, the impossibility can be proven using a partition argument as in [3].

In this paper we revisit this question in the API-based model. First, we prove a similar result for asynchronous API-based dynamic models, in which one unremoved process can fail and successfully removed ones can go offline. Specifically, we show that even the weakest type of storage, namely a safe register [20], cannot be implemented so as to guarantee liveness for all operations (i.e., wait-freedom) in asynchronous runs with an unrestricted reconfiguration rate. Note that this bound does not follow from the one in [5] since a process in our model can leave the system only after an operation that removes it successfully completes.

Second, to circumvent our impossibility result, we define a dynamic failure detector that can be easily implemented in eventually synchronous systems, and use it to implement dynamic storage. We present an algorithm, based on state machine replication, that emulates a strong shared object, namely a wait-free atomic dynamic multi-writer, multi-reader (MWMR) register, and ensures liveness for all operations without restricting the reconfiguration rate. Though a number of previous algorithms have been designed for eventually synchronous models [5, 7,8,9, 14, 15, 21], to the best of our knowledge, our algorithm is the first to ensure liveness of all operations without restricting the reconfigurations rate.

In particular, previous algorithms [8, 9, 14, 15, 21] that used failure detectors, only did so for reaching consensus on the new configuration. For example, reconfigurable Paxos variants [8, 21], which implement atomic storage via dynamic state machine replication, assume a failure detector that provides a leader in every configuration. However, a configuration may be changed, allowing the previous leader to be removed (and then fail) before another process p (with a pending operation) is able to communicate with it in the old configuration. Though a new leader is elected by the failure detector in the ensuing configuration, this scenario may repeat itself indefinitely, so that p’s pending operation never completes.

We, in contrast, use the failure detector also to implement a helping mechanism, which ensures that eventually some process will help a slow one before completing its own reconfiguration operation even if the reconfiguration rate is unbounded. Such mechanism is attainable in API-based models since only members of the current configuration invoke operations, and thus helping process can know which processes may need help. Note that in churn-based models in which processes announce their own join, implementing such a helping mechanism is impossible, since a helping process cannot possibly know which processes need help joining.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: In Sect. 2 we present the model and define the dynamic storage object we seek to implement. Our impossibility proof appears in Sect. 3, and our algorithm in Sect. 4. Finally, we conclude the paper in Sect. 5.

2 Model and Dynamic Storage Problem Definition

In Sect. 2.1, we present the preliminaries of our model, and in Sect. 2.2, we define the dynamic storage service.

2.1 Preliminaries

We consider an asynchronous message passing system consisting of an infinite set of processes \(\varPi \). Processes may fail by crashing subject to restrictions given below. Process failure is modeled via an explicit fail action. Each pair of processes is connected by a communication link. A service exposes a set of operations. For example, a dynamic storage service exposes read, write, and reconfig operations. Operations are invoked and subsequently respond.

An algorithm A defines the behaviors of processes as deterministic state machines, where state transitions are associated with actions, such as send/receive messages, operation invoke/response, and process failures. A global state is a mapping to states from system components, i.e., processes and links. An initial global state is one where all processes are in initial states and all links are empty. A send action is enabled in state s if A has a transition from s in which the send occurs.

A run of algorithm A is a (finite or infinite) alternating sequence of global states and actions, beginning with some initial global state, such that state transitions occur according to A. We use the notion of time t during a run r to refer to the \(t^{th}\) action in r and the global state that ensues it. A run fragment is a contiguous subsequence of a run. An operation invoked before time t in run r is complete at time t if its response event occurs before time t in r; otherwise it is pending at time t. We assume that runs are well-formed [16], in that each process’s first action is an invocation of some operation, and a process does not invoke an operation before receiving a response to its last invoked one.

We say that operation \(op_i\) precedes operation \(op_j\) in a run r, if \(op_i\)’s response occurs before \(op_j\)’s invocation in r. Operations \(op_i\) and \(op_j\) are concurrent in run r, if \(op_i\) does not precede \(op_j\) and \(op_j\) does not precede \(op_i\) in r. A sequential run is one with no concurrent operations. Two runs are equivalent if every process performs the same sequence of operations (with the same return values) in both, where operations that are pending in one can either be included in or excluded from the other.

2.2 Dynamic Storage

The distributed storage service we consider is a dynamic multi-writer, multi reader (MWMR) register [2, 13, 15, 18, 23, 26], which stores a value v from a domain \(\mathbb {V}\), and offers an interface for invoking read, write, and reconfig operations. Initially, the register holds some initial value \(v_0 \in \mathbb {V}\). A read operation takes no parameters and returns a value from \(\mathbb {V}\), and a write operation takes a value from \(\mathbb {V}\) and returns “ok”. We define Changes to be the set \(\{remove, add\} \times \varPi \), and call any subset of Changes a set of changes. For example, \( \{\langle add, p_3 \rangle , \langle remove, p_2 \rangle \}\) is a set of changes. A reconfig operation takes as a parameter a set of changes and returns “ok”. For simplicity, we assume that a process that has been removed is not added again.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Notation illustration. add(p) (remove(p)) represents \(reconfig(\langle add, p \rangle )\) (respectively, \(reconfig(\langle remove, p \rangle )\)).

Notation. For every subset w of Changes, the removal set of w, denoted w.remove, is \(\{p_i| \langle remove,p_i \rangle \in w \}\); the join set of w, denoted w.join, is \(\{ p_i| \langle add,p_i \rangle \in w\}\); and the membership of w, denoted \(w.membership\), is \(w.join\setminus w.remove\). For example, for a set \(w =\{\langle add,p_1 \rangle , \langle remove,p_1 \rangle , \langle add,p_2 \rangle \}\), \(w.join =\{p_1,p_2\}\), \(w.remove=\{p_1\}\), and \(w.membership = \{p_2\}\). For a time t in a run r, we denote by V(t) the union of all sets q s.t. reconfig(q) completes before time t in r. A configuration is a finite set of processes, and the current configuration at time t is V(t).membership. We assume that only processes in V(t).membership invoke operations at time t. The initial set of processes \(\varPi _0 \subset \varPi \) is known to all and we say, by convention, that reconfig \((\{ \langle add,p \rangle |p \in \varPi _0 \})\) completes at time 0, i.e., \(V(0).membership=\varPi _0\).

We define P(t) to be the set of pending changes at time t in run r, i.e., the set of all changes included in pending reconfig operations. We denote by F(t) the set of processes that have failed before time t in r; initially, \(F(0)=\{\}\). For a series of arbitrary sets S(t), \(t \in \mathbb {N}\), we define . The notation is illustrated in Fig. 1.

Correct processes and fairness. A process p is correct if \(p \in V(*).join \setminus F(*)\). A run r is fair if every send action by a correct process that is enabled infinitely often eventually occurs, and every message sent by a correct process \(p_i\) to a correct process \(p_j\) is eventually received at \(p_j\). Note that messages sent to a faulty process from a correct one may or may not be received. A process p is active if p is correct, and \(p \not \in P(*).remove\).

Service specification. A linearization of a run r is an equivalent sequential run that preserves r’s operation precedence relation and the service’s sequential specification. The sequential specification for a register is as follows: A read returns the latest written value, or \(v_0\) if none was written. An MWMR register is atomic, also called linearizable [16], if every run has a linearization. Lamport [20] defines a safe single-writer register. Here, we generalize the definition to multi-writer registers in a weak way in order to strengthen the impossibility result. Intuitively, if a read is not concurrent with any write we require it to return a value that reflects some possible outcome of the writes that precede it; otherwise we allow it to return an arbitrary value. Formally: An MWMR register is safe if for every run r for every read operation rd that has no concurrent writes in r, there is a linearization of the subsequence of r consisting of rd and the write operations in r.

A wait-free service guarantees that every active process’s operation completes regardless of the actions of other processes.

Failure model and reconfiguration. The reconfig operations determine which processes are allowed to fail at any given time. Static storage algorithms [3] tolerate failures of a minority of their (static) universe. At a time t when no reconfig operations are ongoing, the dynamic failure condition may be simply defined to allow less than |V(t)membership|/2 failures of processes in V(t).membership. When there are pending additions and removals, the rule must be generalized to take them into account. For our algorithm in Sect. 4, we adopt a generalization presented in previous works [1, 2, 18, 26]:

Definition 1

(minority failures). A model allows minority failures if at all times t in r, fewer than \(|V(t).membership \setminus P(t).remove|/2\) processes out of \(V(t).membership\cup P(t).join\) are in F(t).

Note that this failure condition allows processes whose remove operations have completed to be (immediately) safely switched off as it only restricts failures out of the current membership and pending joins. We say that a service is reconfigurable if failures of processes in V(t).remove are unrestricted.

In order to strengthen our lower bound in Sect. 3 we weaken the failure model. Like FLP [12], our lower bound applies as long as at least one process can fail. Formally, a failure is allowed whenever all failed processes have been removed and the current membership consists of at least three processesFootnote 1. We call such a state “clean”, captured by the following predicate: \(clean(t) \triangleq (V(t).membership \cup P(t).join) \cap F(t) = \{\} \wedge |V(t).membership \setminus P(t).remove| \ge 3\). The minimal failure condition is thus defined as follows:

Definition 2

(minimal failure). A model allows minimal failure if in every run r ending at time t when clean(t), for every process \(p \in V(t).membership \cup P(t)\), there is an extension of r where p fails at time \(t+1\).

Notice that the minority failure condition allows minimal failure, and so all algorithms that assume minority failures [1, 2, 18, 26] are a fortiori subject to our lower bound, which is proven for minimal failures.

3 Impossibility of Wait-Free Dynamic Safe Storage

In this section we prove that there is no implementation of wait-free dynamic safe storage in a model that allows minimal failures. We construct a fair run with infinitely many reconfiguration operations in which a slow process p never completes its write operation. We do so by delaying all of p’s messages. A message from p to a process \(p_i\) is delayed until \(p_i\) is removed, and we make sure that all processes except p are eventually removed and replaced.

Theorem 1

There is no algorithm that emulates wait-free dynamic safe storage in an asynchronous system allowing minimal failures.


(Proof (Theorem 1 )). Assume by contradiction that such an algorithm A exists. We prove two lemmas about A.

Lemma 1

Consider a run r of A ending at time t s.t. clean(t), and two processes \(p_i, p_j \in V(t).membership\). Extend r by having \(p_j\) invoke operation op at time \(t+1\). Then there exists an extension of r where (1) op completes at some time \(t' > t\),(2) no process receives a message from \(p_i\) between t and \(t'\), and (3) no process fails and no operations are invoked between t and \(t'\).


(Lemma 1 ). By the minimal failure condition, \(p_i\) can fail at time \(t+2\). Consider a fair extension \(\sigma _1\) of r, in which \(p_i\) fails at time \(t+2\) and all of its in-transit messages are lost, no other process fails, and no operations are invoked. By wait-freedom, op eventually completes at some time \(t_1\) in \(\sigma _1\). Since \(p_i\) fails and all its outstanding messages are lost, then from time t to \(t_1\) in \(\sigma _1\) no process receives any messages from \(p_i\). Now let \(\sigma _2\) be identical to \(\sigma _1\) except that \(p_i\) does not fail, but all of its messages are delayed. Note that \(\sigma _1\) and \(\sigma _2\) are indistinguishable to all processes except \(p_i\). Thus, op returns at time \(t_1\) also in \(\sigma _2\).

Lemma 2

Consider a run r of A ending at time t s.t clean(t). Let \(v_1 \in \mathbb {V} \setminus \{v_0\}\) be a value s.t. no process invokes \(write(v_1)\) in r. If we extend r fairly so that \(p_i\) invokes \(w=write(v_1)\) at time \(t+1\) which completes at some time \(t_1 > t+1\) s.t. \(clean(t')\) for all \(t < t' \le t_1\) then in the run fragment between \(t+1\) and \(t_1\), some process \(p_k \ne p_i\) receives a message sent by \(p_i\).


(Lemma 2 ). Assume by way of contradiction that in the run fragment between \(t+1\) and \(t_1\) no process \(p_k \ne p_i\) receives a message sent by \(p_i\), and consider a run \(r'\) that is identical to r until time \(t_1\) except that \(p_i\) does not invoke w at time t. Now assume that some process \(p_j \ne p_i\) invokes a read operation rd at time \(t_1+1\) in \(r'\). By the assumption, \(clean(t_1)\) and therefore \(clean(t_1+1)\). Thus, by Lemma 1, there is a run fragment \(\sigma \) beginning at the final state of \(r'\) (time \(t_1 + 1\)), where rd completes at some time \(t_2\), s.t. between \(t_1 + 1\) and \(t_2\) no process receives a message from \(p_i\). Since no process invokes \(write(v_1)\) in \(r'\), and no writes are concurrent with the read, by safety, rd returns some \(v_2 \ne v_1\).

Now notice that all global states from time t to time \(t_1\) in r and \(r'\) are indistinguishable to all processes except \(p_i\). Thus, we can continue run r with an invocation of read operation \(rd'\) by \(p_j\) at time \(t_1\), and append \(\sigma \) to it. Operation \(rd'\) hence completes and returns \(v_2\). A contradiction to safety.

To prove the theorem, we construct an infinite fair run r in which a write operation of an active process never completes, in contradiction to wait-freedom.

Consider some initial global state \(c_0\), s.t. \(P(0) = F(0)=\{\}\) and \(V(0).membership=\{p_1\ldots p_n\}\), where \(n \ge 3\). An illustration of the run for \(n=4\) is presented in Fig. 2. Now, let process \(p_1\) invoke a write operation w at time \(t_1 =0\), and do the following:

Let process \(p_n\) invoke reconfig(q) where \(q=\{\langle add,p_j \rangle | n+1 \le j \le 2n-2\}\) at time \(t_1\). The state at the end of r is clean (i.e., \(clean(t_1)\)). So by Lemma 1, we can extend r with a run fragment \(\sigma _1\) ending at some time \(t_2\) when reconfig(q) completes, where no process \(p_j \ne p_1\) receives a message from \(p_1\) in \(\sigma _1\), no other operations are invoked, and no process fails.

Then, at time \(t_2 + 1\), \(p_n\) invokes reconfig(\(q'\)), where \(q'=\{\langle remove,p_j \rangle | 2\le j \le n-1\}\). Again, the state is clean and thus by Lemma 1 again, we can extend r with a run fragment \(\sigma _2\) ending at some time \(t_3\) when reconfig(q’) completes s.t. no process \(p_j \ne p_1\) receives a message from \(p_1\) in \(\sigma _2\), no other operations are invoked, and no process fails.

Recall that the minimal failures condition satisfies reconfigurability, i.e., all the processes in \(V(t_3).remove\) can be in \(F(t_3)\) (fail). Let the processes in \(\{p_j \mid 2\le j \le n-1 \}\) fail at time \(t_3\), and notice that the fairness condition does not mandate that they receive messages from \(p_1\). Next, allow \(p_1\) to perform all its enabled actions till some time \(t_4\).

Now notice that at \(t_4\), \(|V(t_4).membership|=n\), \(P(t_4)=\{\}\), \((V(t_4).membership\cup P(t_4).join) \cap F(t_4) = \{\}\), and \(|V(t_4).membership \setminus P(t_4).removal| \ge 3\). We can rename the processes in \(V(t_4).membership\) (except \(p_1\)) so that the process that performed the remove and add operations becomes \(p_2\), and all others get names in the range \(p_3\ldots p_n\). We can then repeat the construction above. By doing so infinitely many times, we get an infinite run r in which \(p_1\) is active and no process ever receives a message from \(p_1\). However, all of \(p_1\)’s enabled actions eventually occur. Since no process except \(p_1\) is correct in r, the run is fair. In addition, since clean(t) for all t in r, by the contrapositive of Lemma 2, w does not complete in r, and we get a violation of wait-freedom.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Illustration of the infinite run for \(n=4\).

4 Oracle-Based Dynamic Atomic Storage

We present an algorithm that circumvents the impossibility result of Sect. 3 using a failure detector. In this section we assume the minority failure condition. In Sect. 4.1, we define a dynamic eventually perfect failure detector. In Sect. 4.2, we describe an algorithm, based on dynamic state machine replication, that uses the failure detector to implement a wait-free dynamic atomic MWMR register. The algorithm’s correctness is proven in Appendix A.

4.1 Dynamic Failure Detector

Since the set of processes is potentially infinite, we cannot have the failure detector report the status of all processes as static failure detectors typically do. Dynamic failure detectors addressing this issue have been defined in previous works, either providing a set of processes that have been excluded from or included into the group [22], or assuming that there is eventually a fixed set of participating processes [10]. In our model, we do not assume that there is eventually a fixed set of participating processes, as the number of reconfig operations can be infinite. And we do not want the failure detector to answer with a list of processes, because in dynamic systems, this gives additional information about participating processes that could have been unknown to the inquiring process, and thus it is not clear how such a failure detector can be implemented.

Instead, our dynamic failure detector is queried separately about each process. For each query, it answers either fail or ok. It can be wrong for an unbounded period, but for each process, it eventually returns a correct answer. Formally, a dynamic eventually perfect failure detector, \(\Diamond P^D\), satisfies two properties:

  • Strong completeness: For each process \(p_i\) that fails at time \(t_i\), there is a time \(t>t_i\) s.t. the failure detector answers fail to every query about \(p_i\) after time t.

  • Eventual strong accuracy: There exists a time t, called the stabilization time, s.t. the failure detector answers ok to every query at any time \(t'>t\) about a correct process in \(V(t').join\).

Note that \(\Diamond P^D\) can be implemented in a standard way in the eventually (partially) synchronous model by pinging the queried process and waiting for a response until a timeout.

4.2 Dynamic Storage Algorithm

We first give the overview of our algorithm and and then present the full description.

Algorithm overview. The key to achieving liveness with unbounded reconfig operations is a novel helping mechanism, which is based on our failure detector. Intuitively, the idea is that every process tries to help all other processes it believes are correct, (according to its failure detector), to complete their concurrent operations together with its own. At the beginning of an operation, a process p queries all other processes it knows about for the operations they currently perform. The failure detector is needed in order to make sure that (1) p does not wait forever for a reply from a faulty process (achieved by strong completeness), and (2) every slow correct process eventually gets help (achieved by eventual strong accuracy).

State machine emulation of a register. We use a state machine sm to emulate a wait-free atomic dynamic register, DynaReg. Every process has a local replica of sm, and we use consensus to agree on sm’s state transitions. Notice that each process is equipped with a failure detector FD of class \(\Diamond P^D\), so consensus is solvable under the assumption of a correct majority in a given configuration [21].

Each instance of consensus runs in some static configuration c and is associated with a unique timestamp. A process participates in a consensus instance by invoking a propose operation with the appropriate configuration and timestamp, as well as its proposed decision value. Consensus then responds with a decide event, so that the following properties are satisfied: Uniform Agreement – every two decisions are the same. Validity – every decision was previously proposed by one of the processes in c. Termination – if a majority of c is correct, then eventually every correct process in c decides. We further assume that a consensus instance does not decide until a majority of the members of the configuration propose in it.

The sm (lines 2–5 in Algorithm 1) keeps track of dynaReg’s value in a variable val, and the configuration in a variable cng, containing both a list of processes, cng.mem, and a set of removed processes, cng.rem. Write operations change val, and reconfig operations change cng. A consensus decision may bundle a number of operations to execute as a single state transition of sm. The number of state transitions executed by sm is stored in the variable ts. Finally, the array lastOps maps every process p in cng.mem to the sequence number (based on p’s local count) of p’s last operation that was performed on the emulated DynaReg together with its result.

Each process partakes in at most one consensus at a time; this consensus is associated with timestamp sm.ts and runs in sm.cng.mem. In every consensus, up to |sm.cng.mem| ordered operations on the emulated DynaReg are agreed upon, and sm’s state changes according to the agreed operations. A process’s sm may change either when consensus decides or when the process receives a newer sm from another process, in which case it skips forward. So sm goes through the same states in all the processes, except when skipping forward. Thus, for every two processes \(p_k,p_l\), if \(sm_k.ts=sm_l.ts\), then \(sm_k=sm_l\). (A subscript i indicates the variable is of process \(p_i\).)

Helping. The problematic scenario in the impossibility proof of Sect. 3 occurs because of endless reconfig operations, where a slow process is never able to communicate with members of its configuration before they are removed. In order to circumvent this problem, we use FD to implement a helping mechanism. When proposing an operation, process \(p_i\) tries to help other processes in two ways: first, it helps them complete operations they may have successfully proposed in previous rounds (consensuses) but have not learned about their outcomes; and second, it proposes their new operations. To achieve the first, it sends a helping request with its sm to all other processes in \(sm_i.cng.mem\). For the second, it waits for each process to reply with a help reply containing its latest invoked operation, and then proposes all the operations together. Processes may fail or be removed, so \(p_i\) cannot wait for answers forever. To this end, we use FD. For every process in \(sm_i.cng.mem\) that has not been removed, \(p_i\) repeatedly inquires FD and waits either for a reply from the process or for an answer from FD that the process has failed. Notice that the strong completeness property guarantees that \(p_i\) will eventually continue, and strong accuracy guarantees that every slow active process will eventually receive help in case of endless reconfig operations.

Nevertheless, if the number of reconfig operations is finite, it may be the case that some slow process is not familiar with any of the correct members in the current configuration, and no other process performs an operation (hence, no process is helping). To ensure progress in such cases, every correct process periodically sends its sm to all processes in its sm.cng.mem.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Flow illustration: process \(p_2\) is slow. After stabilization time, process \(p_1\) helps it by proposing its operation. Once \(p_2\)’s operation is decided, it is reflected in every up-to-date sm. Therefore, even if \(p_1\) fails before informing \(p_2\), \(p_2\) receives from the next process that performs an operation, namely \(p_3\), an sm that reflects its operation, and thus returns. Line arrows represent messages, and block arrows represent operation or consensus invocations and responses.

State survival. Before the reconfig operation can complete, the new sm needs to propagate to a majority of the new configuration, in order to ensure its survival. Therefore, after executing the state transition, \(p_i\) sends \(sm_i\) to \(sm_i.cng\) members and waits until it either receives acknowledgements from a majority or learns of a newer sm. Notice that in the latter case, consensus in \(sm_i.cng.mem\) has decided, meaning that at least a majority of \(sm_i.cng.mem\) has participated in it, and so have learned of it.

Flow example. The algorithm flow is illustrated in Fig. 3. In this example, a slow process \(p_2\) invokes operation \(op_{21}\) before FD’s stabilization time, ST. Process \(p_1\) invokes operation \(op_{11}=\langle add, p_3 \rangle \) after ST. It first sends helpRequest to \(p_2\) and waits for it to reply with helpReply. Then it proposes \(op_{21}\) and \(op_{11}\) in a consensus. When decide occurs, \(p_1\) updates its sm, sends it to all processes, and waits for majority. Then \(op_{11}\) returns and \(p_1\) fails before \(p_2\) receives its update message. Next, \(p_3\) invokes a reconfig operation, but this time when \(p_2\) receives helpRequest with the up-to-date sm from \(p_3\), it notices that its operation has been performed, and \(op_{21}\) returns.

Detailed description. The data structure of process \(p_i\) is given in Algorithm 1. The type Ops defines the representation of operations. The emulated state machine, \(sm_i\), is described above. Integer \(opNum_i\) holds the sequence number of \(p_i\)’s current operation; \(ops_i\) is a set that contains operations that need to be completed for helping; the flag \(pend_i\) is a boolean that indicates whether or not \(p_i\) is participating in an ongoing consensus; and \(myOp_i\) is the latest operation invoked at \(p_i\).

figure a

The algorithm of process \(p_i\) is presented in Algorithms 2 and 3. We execute every event handler, (operation invocation, message receiving, and consensus decision), atomically excluding wait instructions; that is, other event handlers may run after the handler completes or during a wait (lines 16,18,27 in Algorithm 2). The algorithm runs in two phases. The first, gather, is described in Algorithm 2 lines 11–16 and in Algorithm 3 lines 52–58. Process \(p_i\) first increases its operation number \(opNum_i\), writes op together with \(opNum_i\) to the set of operations \(ops_i\), and sets \(myOp_i\) to be op. Then it sends \(\langle \)“helpRequest”\(,\ldots \rangle \) to every member of \(A=sm_i.cng.mem\) (line 15), and waits for each process in A that is not suspected by the FD or removed to reply with \(\langle \)“helpReply”\(,\ldots \rangle \). Notice that \(sm_i\) may change during the wait because messages are handled, and \(p_i\) may learn of processes that have been removed.

When \(\langle \)“helpRequest”\(,num,sm \rangle \) is received by process \(p_j \ne p_i\), if the received sm is newer than \(sm_j\), then process \(p_j\) adopts sm and abandons any previous consensus. Either way, \(p_j\) sends \(\langle \)“helpReply”\(,\ldots \rangle \) with its current operation \(myOp_j\) in return.

Upon receiving \(\langle \)“helpReply”\(,opNum_i,op,num \rangle \) that corresponds to the current operation number \(opNum_i\), process \(p_i\) adds the received operation op, its number num, and the identity of the sender to the set \(ops_i\).

figure b

At the end of this phase, process \(p_i\) holds a set of operations, including its own, that it tries to agree on in the second phase (the order among this set is chosen deterministically, as explained below). Note that \(p_i\) can participate in at most one consensus per timestamp, and its propose might end up not being the decided one, in which case it may need to propose the same operations again. Process \(p_i\) completes op when it discovers that op has been performed in \(sm_i\), whether by itself or by another process.

The second phase appears in Algorithm 2 lines 17–28, and in Algorithm 3 lines 31–51. In line 17, \(p_i\) checks if its operation has not been completed yet. In line 18, it waits until it does not participate in any ongoing consensus (\(pend_i\) = false) or some other process helps it complete op. Recall that during a wait, other events can be handled. So if a message with an up-to-date sm is received during the wait, \(p_i\) adopts the sm. In case op has been completed in sm, \(p_i\) exits the main while (line 19). Otherwise, \(p_i\) waits until it does not participate in any ongoing consensus. This can be the case if (1) \(p_i\) has not proposed yet, (2) a message with a newer sm was received and a previous consensus was subsequently abandoned, or (3) a decide event has been handled. In all cases, \(p_i\) marks that it now participates in consensus in line 20, prepares a new request Req with the operations in \(ops_i\) that have not been performed yet in \(sm_i\) in line 27, proposes Req in the consensus associated with \(sm_i.ts\), and sends \(\langle \)“propose”\(,\ldots \rangle \) to all the members of \(sm_i.cng.mem\).

When \(\langle \)“propose”\(,sm,Req\ldots \rangle \) is received by process \(p_j \ne p_i\), if the received sm is more updated than \(sm_j\), then process \(p_j\) adopts sm, abandons any previous consensus, proposes Req in the consensus associated with sm.ts, and forwards the message to all other members of \(sm_j.cng.mem\). The same is done if sm is identical to \(sm_j\) and \(p_j\) has not proposed yet in the consensus associated with \(sm_j.ts\). Otherwise, \(p_j\) ignores the message.

The event \(decide_i(sm.cng,sm_i.ts,Req)\) indicates a decision in the consensus associated with \(sm_i.ts\). When this occurs, \(p_i\) performs all the operations in Req and changes \(sm_i\)’s state. It sets the value of the emulated DynaReg, \(sm_i.value\), to be the value of the write operation of the process with the lowest id, and updates \(sm_i.cng\) according to the reconfig operations. In addition, for every \(\langle p_j,op,num \rangle \in Req\), \(p_i\) writes to \(sm_i.lastOps[j]\), num and op’s response, which is “ok” in case of a write or a reconfig, and \(sm_i.value\) in case of a read. Next, \(p_i\) increases \(sm_i.ts\) and sets \(pend_i\) to false, indicating that it no longer participates in any ongoing consensus.

Finally, after op is performed, \(p_i\) exits the main while. If op is not a reconfig operation, then \(p_i\) returns the result, which is stored in \(sm_i.lastOps[i].res\). Otherwise, before returning, \(p_i\) has to be sure that a majority of \(sm_i.cng.mem\) receives \(sm_i\). It sends \(\langle \)“update”\(,sm,\ldots \rangle \) to all the processes in \(sm_i.cng.mem\) and waits for \(\langle \)“ACK”\(,\ldots \rangle \) from a majority of them. Notice that it may be the case that there is no such correct majority due to later reconfig operations and failures, so, \(p_i\) stops waiting when a more updated sm is received, which implies that a majority of \(sm_i.cng.mem\) has already received \(sm_i\) (since a majority is needed in order to solve consensus).

Upon receiving \(\langle \)“update”\(,sm,num\rangle \) with a new sm from process \(p_i\), process \(p_j\) adopts sm and abandons any previous consensus. In addition, if \(num \ne \perp \), \(p_j\) sends \(\langle \)“ACK”\(,num\rangle \) to \(p_i\) (Algorithm 3 lines 59–63).

Beyond handling operations, in order to ensure progress in case no operations are invoked from some point on, every correct process periodically sends \(\langle \)“update”\(,sm,\perp \rangle \) to all processes in its sm.cng.mem (Algorithm 2 line 30).

figure c

5 Conclusion

We proved that in an asynchronous API-based reconfigurable model allowing at least one failure, without restricting the number of reconfigurations, there is no way to emulate dynamic safe wait-free storage. We further showed how to circumvent this result using a dynamic eventually perfect failure detector: we presented an algorithm that uses such a failure detector in order to emulate a wait-free dynamic atomic MWMR register.

Our dynamic failure detector is (1) sufficient for this problem, and (2) can be implemented in a dynamic eventually synchronous [11] setting with no restriction on reconfiguration rate. An interesting question is whether a weaker such failure detector exists. Note that when the reconfiguration rate is bounded, dynamic storage is attainable without consensus, thus such a failure detector does not necessarily have to be strong enough for consensus.