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Constitution and Climate Change: The Cases of Germany and Brazil

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Encyclopedia of Contemporary Constitutionalism


The process of constitutionalizing climate change and the struggle against global warming has occurred in ways that have not always been symmetrical. This disparity may be perceived whether concerning its foundations or the responses given in the sphere of the various legal systems, which, in turn, is related to the peculiarities of each country’s positive constitutional law. Whereas Brazilian Constitution highlighted the protection of the environment in a whole chapter and acknowledged a fundamental right to an environment ecologically balanced, the German Basic Law of 1949 only incorporated the matter in its text in 1994 through the inclusion of a norm defining an objective of the state, not with the status of a fundamental right. Thus, this study aims to discuss cases brought before Brazilian and German Courts that show the expansion of environmental litigation and the constitutional dimension of the matter related to climate change.

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Sarlet, I.W., Kahl, W. (2022). Constitution and Climate Change: The Cases of Germany and Brazil. In: Cremades, J., Hermida, C. (eds) Encyclopedia of Contemporary Constitutionalism. Springer, Cham.

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