1 Introduction

Use cases [13] have become popular for determining, communicating, specifying, and documenting requirements [4, 5]. Many groups of stakeholders turn out to be more comfortable with descriptions of operational action sequences than with declarative specifications of software requirements [5]. An industrial survey [6] reports that scenarios are useful for determining and validating requirements, and for making them concrete, agreed-on, and consistent.

But there are also problems with use-case-based approaches to requirements engineering, such as over-simplified assumptions about the problem domain [7] and premature design decisions [2, 8]. Use cases are suitable for most functional requirements, but may lead to neglect of extra-functional requirements, such as security requirements. Alarmingly, such practices have also been observed in projects developing software systems with substantial security needs, such as e-commerce software [9]. Compounding the problems with use-case-based approaches, security requirements may be poorly treated because traditional methods and standards for security engineering [10, 11] are heavyweight and hard to understand. It has also been observed that industrial security approaches derive from the solution world rather than the problem world [12], whereas good requirements engineering practice mandates a thorough understanding of the problem before suggesting solutions. Hence, both use-case-based and other approaches to requirements engineering would benefit from a closer integration between informal and formal approaches, and between functional and extra-functional requirements work [1316].

It turns out that, with slight modifications, use cases can aid the integration of functional and extra-functional requirements work when considering security requirements: in our previous work, we have extended positive (regular) use case diagrams with negative use cases—misuse cases—that specify behavior not wanted in the proposed system for the purpose of eliciting security requirements [17, 18]. After all, even an unwanted interaction sequence is still an interaction sequence, and many security breaches can be described in a stepwise fashion that resembles ordinary use cases [1724]. The major difference is that a use case achieves something of value for the system owner and its stakeholders, whereas the security breach is harmful.

In this paper, we first explain the basic concepts and notation for misuse cases (Sect. 2). We then present guidelines for how to describe misuse cases in detail using textual templates (Sect. 3) and method guidelines for eliciting security requirements with misuse cases (Sect. 4). Next, we review the practical use of misuse case analysis (Sect. 5), discuss the strengths and weaknesses of misuse cases (Sect. 6), and compare them to related work [1922, 25, 26] (Sect. 7). Finally, we conclude the paper and suggest paths for further work (Sect. 8) [17, 22]. The main contribution of the paper is to present, in a coherent manner, all of the past individual contributions and to emphasize description and method guidelines in particular.

2 Concepts and notation

In line with the UML definitions of use case and actor [27], we define misuse cases and misusers as followsFootnote 1:

Misuse case

A sequence of actions, including variants, that a system or other entity can perform, interacting with misusers of the entity and causing harm to some stakeholder if the sequence is allowed to completeFootnote 2.


An actor that initiates misuse cases, either intentionally or inadvertently.

Figure 1 uses inverted graphics to show misuse cases together with regular use cases in a high-level specification of part of an e-shop software system. Compared to regular use cases, the inverted notation indicates both similarity (because the same symbol shapes are used) and negation (because of the inverted graphics). Use and misuse cases can, thereby, be shown in the same diagram without confusion.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Example use and misuse cases for an e-store

Ordinary use case relationships such as include, extend, and generalize can be used between misuse cases too, and ordinary association relationships can be used between misusers and their misuse cases. There are also more specific relationships between use and misuse cases:

Use case mitigate misuse case

The use case is a countermeasure against a misuse case, i.e., the use case reduces the misuse case’s chance of succeeding. An example is “protect info”, which mitigates “steal credit card info”, as shown in Fig. 1.

Misuse case threaten use case

The use case is exploited or hindered by a misuse case. For example, the “register customer” use case is threatened by a denial-of-service attack, “flood system”, that prevents legitimate users from accessing internet services, including customer registration.

Figure 2 shows a metamodel of the basic misuse-case concepts and their relation to the UML metamodel [27]. In addition to Actors and Use cases, the model introduces Misusers and Misuse Cases, so that misuse cases may Threaten regular use cases. The model also identifies “Security Use Cases”, which may Mitigate misuse cases. Hence, whereas regular use cases represent requirements in general, misuse cases represent security threats and “security use cases” represent security requirements, i.e., countermeasures that mitigate the threats.

Fig. 2
figure 2

A metamodel of the basic concepts presented in this section and their relation to the UML metamodel [28]. Existing constructs in the metamodel are prefixed with UML-

The metamodel does not propose “Security Use Cases” as a new abstract metaclass in the UML metamodel at this time, hence the quotation marks. Also, although we could have introduced a new abstract metaclass, “Use Or Misuse Case”, to account for attributes that are shared between use and misuse cases, we leave this to be decided in further workFootnote 3. In further work, the Threaten relationship could also be defined as a specialization of the UML’s regular Extend relationshipFootnote 4. Finally, the metamodel does not explicitly show UML Generalizations, which can be used between two GeneralizableElements, or Associations, which can be used between two or more Classifiers.

3 Textual specification of misuse cases

A use-case diagram only gives an overview of the required system functionality, so the essence of a use case is usually captured in the associated textual description [3]. Textual descriptions also play an important part when representing misuse cases. This section presents templates for describing misuse cases textually [18, 28] and discusses how to use the templates to elicit security requirements. Templates are important because they encourage developers to write clear and simple action sequences. They are also interesting for researchers because they offer support for controlled and repeatable empirical evaluation of description and method guidelines. We identify two ways of expressing misuse cases textually; a lightweight description that is embedded in the textual description of a use case, and an extensive description of misuse cases on equal terms with ordinary use cases.

3.1 Lightweight misuse case description

The lightweight approach embeds the description of misuse within a regular use-case template, such as the templates proposed by Kulak and Guiney [5], Cockburn [3], or RUP [29], by extending them with a field called Threats. In Table 1, the Threats field of the “register customer” use case contains a threat, T1, which twists the customer’s form submission (action 3) so that the information entered does not describe the person actually entering it. The last of the three possible outcomes of T1 corresponds to the “reveal customer” misuse case of Fig. 1.

Table 1 A lightweight misuse case description embedded in the use case, “register customer”, from Fig. 1. (Of course, more threats can be described in addition to T1)

For those who prefer writing use cases with separate columns for the user and system interactions, threats can conveniently be represented as an additional, third column instead of an additional field. Table 2 extends Constantine and Lockwood’s [2] essential use case, gettingCash, with a Threats column. This representation makes it even clearer against which action in the sequence the threat is directed.

Table 2 A lightweight misuse-case description embedded in the regular use case, gettingCash from an ATM

For systems where security is important, the regular use-case template should be extended with either a Threats field or a column: a filled-in threats field/column makes the information easy to detect, whereas an empty threats field/column indicates that security issues still need to be investigated. When all of the possible threats to a use case have been explicitly considered and found unimportant, this should, therefore, be expressed explicitly in the Threats field, e.g., “probability of misuse considered extremely low” or “impact of potential misuse assumed harmless”.

3.2 Extensive misuse case description

To support detailed determination and analysis of security threats, we propose to describe misuse cases extensively—on equal terms with regular use cases—based on a template of fields that are mostly described using text, such as triggers, preconditions, basic, and alternative paths. Most of the fields in the use-case templates of Kulak and Guiney [5], Cockburn [3], and RUP [29] are also relevant for describing misuse cases, but some adaptations are necessary and some new fields must be introduced. For a detailed discussion, see [18].

In an extensive misuse-case description, the fields Name, Summary, Author, and Date retain the same meaning as in regular use cases. The Basic and Alternative path fields for misuse cases now describe the sequences of actions that the misuser(s) and the proposed system go through to cause harm. The other fields in extensive misuse-case descriptions are explained in Table 3. The next section presents guidelines for describing misuse cases in detail, pointing out that the full set of fields is only advocated for misuse cases that describe security-critical parts of the proposed system in fine detail.

Table 3 The full list of text fields for describing misuse cases extensively. Most extensive misuse case descriptions will only use a subset of fields from this list

Table 4 shows an extensive description of the misuse case, “Tamper with database by web query manipulation”, which specializes the general “Tamper with data” from Fig. 1. “Tamper with data” cannot be described as a single coherent action sequence because it can be achieved in several different ways.

Table 4 The misuse case, “Tamper with database by web query manipulation”

4 Working with misuse cases

Misuse-case diagrams and the associated textual templates inform developers only about which security-related information they should specify and not about how and when to do so. Also, misuse-case diagrams and templates say nothing about how the security requirements process is related to other software development activities, nor about when to use lightweight and when to use extensive misuse-case specifications. This section, therefore, provides guidelines for working with misuse cases. In addition to being useful for developers, the method guidelines are important for research on misuse cases because they are starting points for evaluating misuse cases empirically.

4.1 The security requirements process

We propose the following five steps for eliciting security requirements with misuse cases [30]:

  1. 1.

    Identify critical assets in the system, where an asset is either information that the enterprise possesses, virtual locations that the enterprise controls, or computerized activities that the enterprise performs [30].

  2. 2.

    Define security goals for each asset, preferably aided by a standard typology of security goals, such as the one inherent in the common criteria for IT security evaluation [10]Footnote 5

  3. 3.

    Identify threats to each security goal by identifying stakeholders that may intentionally harm the system or its environment and/or identifying sequences of actions that may result in intentional harmFootnote 6

  4. 4.

    Identify and analyze risks for the threats using standard techniques for risk analysis and costing from the security and safety engineering fields [3133]

  5. 5.

    Define security requirements for the threats to match risks and protection costs, preferably aided by a taxonomy of security requirements, such as [10, 11].

This process of identifying critical assets, threats, and security requirements (or countermeasures) is cyclical. On the one hand, critical assets defined in the larger process drive the identification of threats in the security process. On the other hand, the threats identified in the security process drive the definition of new security requirements which, when implemented, may create new vulnerable assets (of the computerized activity type). This cycle has been investigated by Alexander [22].

The security requirements process can be supported by a repository of reusable security threats and associated security requirements represented, respectively, as misuse cases and security use cases, or in other ways [30].

4.2 Misuse cases in the larger development process

The five-step security requirements process does not stand alone, but must be embedded in a software development process, which provides a context for defining security goals and identifying and analyzing risk. Misuse cases feature most prominently in three of the five steps:

  • In step 3, the security threats identified can be described as misuse cases and misusers, although, in general, the above steps are independent of particular ways of representing security threats and requirements [30]. The best way to specify security threats depends on the situation, as is discussed later in this section.

  • In step 4, the relationships identified between misuse cases can aid risk analysis. For example, [28] points out that extend/include relationships and generalization relationships, respectively, are analogous to AND and OR nodes in fault trees and similar trees.

  • In step 5, the security requirements defined are specified either as independent security use cases or in the mitigation fields of extensively described misuse cases [30]. Again, the best way to specify security requirements depends on the situation and is discussed later.

There are many ways to determine and specify requirements with use cases, and it is not the purpose of this paper to tie misuse cases tightly to one of them. On the contrary, given the contingent and opportunistic nature of early requirements determination [34], overly detailed prescriptive method guidelines are inappropriate for both use and misuse cases. Instead, developers must be ready to use the available techniques differently, depending on the situation.

4.3 Specifying misuse cases in detail

Guidelines are also needed for using the textual templates presented in Sect. 3, in particular, regarding the choice between lightweight and extensive descriptions. Although the lightweight approach offers a quick, simple, and systematic way of eliciting security threats, it does not aid developers in analyzing those threats in detail. As a consequence, it becomes difficult to find appropriate bundles of security requirements—possibly expressed as security use cases—that best match each threat.

Lightweight descriptions are, therefore, better early in development, when brainstorming to get an overview of the threats faced by the system. Lightweight descriptions are also more appropriate for misuse cases believed to be less critical for overall security and for misuse cases that are slight “twists” on a regular use case. Such twists can be described in much the same way as exceptional use-case paths, as long as they remain uniquely identified, searchable, and traceable elements in the specification. Extensive descriptions are better for later development stages and when specifying that a particular misuse case is mitigated by certain corresponding requirements use cases. In many cases, threats that are first specified lightly will later be described extensively. Finally, the choice between lightweight and extensive description depends on how complex the misuse is. Simple misuse involving just a single malicious action can be described in lightweight format, whereas misuse involving intricate action sequences and alternative paths calls for extensive description.

Many of the other concerns when specifying misuse cases in detail are similar to those for regular use cases. As for use cases, developers should describe each misuse case independently of particular technological solutions whenever this is possible. For example, misuse-case actions should not mention particular security mechanisms like passwords, firewalls, and encryption [26]. Also, as for use cases, developers should first describe each misuse case in little detail and then gradually make the description more detailed, concentrating effort on the higher-risk misuse cases. It is hard to provide more precise guidelines on granularity because some misuse cases will threaten the entire software system, and others just single use cases or single use-case actions.

5 Validation

The misuse case notation has already been validated in several research and industrial projects:

  • The authors have used misuse cases to elicit and initiate discussion about functional, security, and safety requirements for a knowledge map application in an EU-funded research projectFootnote 7. The approach has, so far, turned out to be easy-to-understand and useful for eliciting requirements both for the planned software and for organizational use guidelines.

  • Another EU-projectFootnote 8 embedded misuse cases in an integrated model-based framework for risk management to investigate whether a design is secure against identified threats. The framework was used in six projects in the e-shop and telemedicine domains [35, 36].

  • Breivik [37] has used misuse cases to represent security threats (“attack components”) from the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) [38] in pattern form. The patterns were validated in interviews with a variety of stakeholders, indicating that the notation was easy to understand and might be useful to facilitate communication and understanding about security in the early development stages. Breivik’s [37] investigation has raised a host of other issues for further research.

  • Alexander [22] has used misuse cases to analyze requirements trade-offs. He reports that misuse case diagrams contributed to successful determination of threats and requirements, and to subsequent resolution of design conflicts. The notation was easy to understand.

There is still a need for more conclusive validation of misuse cases in large-scale industrial settings.

6 Discussion

Although misuse cases is an interesting new approach, it is only one of many ways to elicit security requirements, is an approach that is not always appropriate, that must be adapted to the situation at hand, and that must often be used in combination with other techniques. In order to know when to use misuse cases, how to adapt them to the situation, and with which other techniques to combine them, it is necessary to understand their strengths and weaknesses.

6.1 Strengths

As indicated by the validations, misuse cases allow early focus on security by describing security threats and then requirements, without going into design. In particular, the informal nature of misuse cases encourages analyst and stakeholder creativity and promotes user/customer assurance and education by omitting technical security details, thereby letting stakeholders at different levels of technical competence discuss threats in a way that they can all understand. Looking at the system from a misuser perspective further increases the chance of discovering threats that would otherwise have been ignored. Moreover, while formal methods certainly have a place in safety and security engineering, the expert interview study reported by Hickey and Davis [39] did not recommend formal methods for elicitation: even for safety-critical systems, formal methods were considered to distance stakeholders too much from the elicitation process. Coughlan and Macredie [40] also stress the importance of using representations that may be understood by the stakeholders, because effective communication is crucial to the successful outcome of the requirements process.

The visualization of links between use cases and misuse cases will help organize the requirements specification so that related functional and extra-functional requirements are linked to one another [15]. When functional requirements are specified with use cases, the challenge is to link each use case to its related extra-functional requirements [5]. Misuse cases solve this problem for security (and perhaps also, safety) requirements because functional and extra-functional requirements are represented in similar ways and because misuse-case diagrams link regular use cases to both threats and potential countermeasures. This will also aid the prioritization of requirements because the real cost of implementing a use case includes the protection needed to mitigate all serious threats to it. If security is dealt with later, or documented separately from use cases, prioritization might not properly consider the induced security costs.

Also, the links will support the tracing of security requirements to the threats that motivated them. In addition to explaining requirements and design choices, traces are important for proper change management [15], which is particularly important for continuous security management [32] when threat situations change quickly and unpredictably as new software vulnerabilities are published and new cracker software is distributed on the web.

When use and misuse cases are represented at a generic level, they can be easily reused to give new development projects a flying start in identifying security threats and corresponding security requirements. Reusing misuse cases and security requirements is discussed further in [30].

6.2 Weaknesses

Misuse cases and misuse-case-supported security requirements analysis also suffer from a number of weaknesses. Most importantly, the open-ended method guidelines mean that developers will have to improvise. This is a potential problem in security engineering, where formal methods are recommended [33]. Until more detailed and formal guidelines are offered, security defects may be introduced by the security requirements process itself, by the integration of the security process within the embedding software development process, and by the detailed textual descriptions of use and misuse cases.

A particular problem introduced by weak method guidelines is that the potentially large number of threats that must be considered may lead to analysis paralysis. This weakness is more of a problem with the security requirements process in Sect. 4 than with the concept of, and notation for, misuse cases. Reuse of security threats and requirements may alleviate the problem somewhat, but the guidelines for how to prioritize and when to stop the security analysis must also be developed further.

In addition, misuse cases are not equally suitable for all kinds of threats, focusing mainly on misuse where an identifiable attacker performs a harmful sequence of actions by exploiting another sequence of actions supported by the system:

  • Firstly, the misuse is not always an identifiable sequence of actions, like when misuse is achieved in a single operation such as e-mailing a virus. Although this kind of misuse can still be described as a misuse case with many template fields filled in, the path fields will remain empty, making the detailed description less informative and automated pattern retrieval more difficult.

  • Secondly, there is not always an identifiable misuser, like when a virus spreads from computer to computer independently of its creator, who is no longer in control of the process. Although there are no clearly identifiable misusers in these situations, there are possible solutions: either the virus itself is considered the misuser—a solution that could be used for other kinds of software too, e.g., attack script engines and automated agents—or the naïve user who inadvertently runs the virus is considered the misuser—a solution that would extend to inadvertent misuse in general and, thereby, to safety requirements.

  • Thirdly, the misuse does not always exploit an identifiable sequence of actions and, although the misuse case and the misuser may be identifiable, it is not possible to identify a regular use case that is threatened by the misuse. A virus attack is again a case in point, because the virus may, in principle, enter the system through any kind of data transmission into the system and may, afterwards, affect any action taken by the system.

Finally, the fairly limited experience with practical applications of the misuse case technique is itself a weakness that must be addressed by further work.

7 Related work

Several other authors have suggested or discussed negative use cases or scenarios in relation to security. Ellison et al. [25] introduce “intruders” and “intrusion scenarios” in their case study of part of a large-scale distributed healthcare system. Their study focuses on survivability requirements analysis, an area that subsumes security, safety, and reliability. Intruders and intrusion scenarios are similar to misusers and misuse cases, respectively, but Ellison et al. [25] do not provide a diagram notation, a description template, or general method guidelines for intrusion scenarios.

McDermott and Fox [19, 20] propose “abuse cases”, which are similar to our proposal. Abuse cases are complementary to misuse cases, because McDermott and Fox [19] focus specifically on security requirements and their relation to designFootnote 9 and testing, whereas our approach focuses on elicitation of security requirements in relation to other requirements. McDermott and Fox [19] do not show “use” and “abuse cases” in the same diagram, so no relationships between use and abuse can be depicted either. They also define an abuse case as a family of cases that can be achieved in different ways, whereas our approach would use generalization Footnote 10.

Potts [21] distinguishes between “abuse cases” that violate policies and “misuse cases” that willfully undermine a policy, e.g., using information for another purpose than it was gathered for. Potts thereby suggests a more fine-grained terminology than ours. In the context of goal-oriented requirements engineering, Potts [41] also introduces “obstacles”, i.e., exceptional conditions that prevent goal fulfillment. In relation to our work, security goals can be seen as a kind of general goal and security threats as a kind of obstacle. Obstacles are investigated more closely in relation to security policies by Anton and Earp [42], and they are elaborated and formalized by Lamsweerde and Letier [43], who propose heuristics for obstacle identification and strategies for adding new goals to resolve obstacles. In relation to our work, adding new goals to resolve obstacles is similar to adding security use cases to mitigate misuse cases. However, Lamsweerde and Letier [43] do not propose a diagram notation or a template for the textual representation of obstacles, which are, instead, represented as formal logic assertions—an approach that complements our focus on actors and the action sequences they perform to achieve their goals.

Alexander [22] has used misuse cases as presented in this paper in a practical setting, providing useful experience and suggesting paths for further work. Although Alexander used our diagram notation, his way of working with misuse cases was different. Whereas [17, 18] focused on misuse cases, how they threaten regular use cases, and how they are mitigated by security use cases, Alexander also considers how the security use cases can, in turn, be threatened by new misuse cases. On the other hand, Alexander does not consider a structured description of misuse cases in detail.

Firesmith [26] proposes a template for “security use cases”, which are different from misuse cases because they represent security-related requirements rather than threats. Firesmith’s [26] security use cases have been adopted by us, although we have not yet included his template. Sindre et al. [30] proposes an approach to reusing security requirements that uses security use cases and misuse cases together.

8 Conclusion and further work

Use cases are popular tools for eliciting functional requirements but less suited for extra-functional requirements—such as security requirements—that describe behaviors not wanted in the system. This paper has proposed two new concepts—misuse cases and misusers—along with suitable relationships, a diagram notation, templates for textual descriptions, and method guidelines. The approach has been tested on examples and in realistic settings [22, 35, 36], and it is currently used in research on risk management and on security patterns.

Compared to other similar approaches, misuse cases integrate more closely with regular use cases and, thereby, facilitate better analysis of how functional requirements relate to security threats and requirements. The proposed template is also more comprehensive than comparable approaches. Method guidelines are provided to ensure that the approach is helpful in the early elicitation of security requirements. Important strengths of the proposed approach include ensuring early focus on security, encouraging analyst and stakeholder creativity, promoting user/customer assurance and education, supporting explicit prioritization, better organization and better tracing of requirements, facilitating proper change management, and providing support for reusing misuse cases and associated security requirements. However, the method guidelines provided are still too general and imprecise; the number of potentially critical assets and associated threats that must be considered is, therefore, large, and the misuse-case approach itself is not equally suitable for all kinds of threats, specifically because misuse does not always involve or exploit an identifiable sequence of actions nor an identifiable misuser. Whereas some of these weaknesses reflect inherent trade-offs that must be judged according to the situation at hand, other weaknesses mainly call for more work—in particular on providing more detailed method guidelines.

An obvious candidate for further work is to evaluate misuse cases further in industrial settings. The approach is well suited for industrial evaluation because it extends standard OO concepts and it is linked to the UML. It should be easy to incorporate misuse cases in a use-case-based software development organization, because the proposed extensions are small and simple to implement, and because the proposed template resembles regular use-case templates.

Another important goal for further work is to facilitate broader industrial adoption of misuse cases. For this to happen, misuse-case analysis must be embedded in well-documented and tool-supported RE methods that are use-case-driven (because misuse cases integrate well with regular use cases), e.g., [4446], goal-oriented (because security threats can be considered anti-goals or obstacles), and/or lightweight (because many software development organizations already employ, or are considering employing, agile methods [47] and the misuse case notation induces little overhead). In particular, the goal-oriented i* approach has recently been used for representing trust, attacks, and countermeasures [48]. Industrial adoption of misuse cases is also likely to be based on reuse of security threats and requirements, and work is in progress on establishing and evaluating a library of security misuse case patterns and on using them to determine security requirements in practical settings.

Another interesting direction is to align misuse cases with other security approaches. Our approach can be integrated with existing security standards [10, 11], which classify threats as separate from other security issues, such as objectives and requirements. For example, the 29 threat categories identified in [11] could potentially aid in discovering a more complete determination of security requirements. Because existing standards are often written in a formal and technical style, integrating them with our diagram notation and method may make the standards more readily available to end-users and developers.

Another possibility is to align misuse cases with traditional fault-tree analysis methods from the safety area, such as threat trees [49] or attack trees [50, 51]. Adapted for security analysis, these trees would decompose security threats using AND and OR nodes, where OR nodes correspond directly to misuse case generalization—such as when a password can be obtained in several ways [28]—and where AND nodes are not explicitly covered in our notation (but may be implicit in misuse-case inclusion and preconditions). Extending the misuse case notation with AND nodes, e.g., using the UML’s aggregation symbol, may be straightforward, and a natural next step would be to align the misuse cases with the NFR framework [52] for analyzing non-functional requirements.

A further interesting direction is to consider misuse cases in relation to other types of extra-functional requirements such as safety, privacy, and usability, all dealing with behavior not wanted in the proposed system. For example, better integration of informal and formal techniques is necessary for progress in safety analysis [53]. Misuse cases should also be complemented with techniques for risk analysis and costing from security and safety engineering [3133].

In the meantime, misuse cases can be used as an informal and integrating front-end to more heavyweight techniques, making it easier for various stakeholders to participate in eliciting security requirements for new information and software systems.